


2017/08/12 15:44:30 编辑: 浏览次数:245 移动端

  SSAT无疑是进入优秀的美国私立高中最具实力的“敲门砖”。那么SSAT的分数是否是越高越好呢?答案是:不一定。其实SSAT成绩单中有一项叫做“SSAT percentile”,即:SSAT百分比,才是各个美国高中录取一个学生的关键。那什么是SSAT百分比呢?它有什么样的含义呢?我们先来看一张学生的成绩单:

  Your SSAT Scores

  Upper Level Score Range : 500-800

  Verbal Score 659

  (Personal Score Range: 638 - 680, SSAT Percentile 47%)

  Math Score 788

  (Personal Score Range: 767 - 800, SSAT Percentile 90%)

  Reading Score 581

  (Personal Score Range: 560 - 602, SSAT Percentile 13%)

  Total Score 2028

  (Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 48%)

  What Does My SSAT Percentile Mean?

  Your SSAT percentile is a score between 1 and 99. Your score compares your

  performance on the test to the performances of the other students of the same

  grade and gender who have taken the SSAT within the past three years. For

  example, if seventh-grader Sue Smith received a 65 SSAT percentile, she did as

  well as or better than 65% of the other 7th grade girls who took the SSAT in the

  past three years.


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