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�  Ssat词汇是国内中学生备考ssat的难点部分,记忆过ssat必备核心词汇就已经投入了很大的精力与时间,对于7千到9千的ssat词汇量,其他的ssat词汇我们要如何快速记忆呢?下面澳际小编为您介绍一下根据词汇结构来记忆ssat词汇的方式。

  1. 后缀



  -ness happiness, friendliness

  -able perishable, amiable

  -ous androgynous, fibrous

  -ity animosity, charity

  -ology psychology, sociology

  -ical tyrannical, hypothetical

  -archy monarchy, anarchy, matriarchy

  -less fearless, artless

  2. 前缀和词根






  X-able adjective “able to be Xed”

  X-archy noun ”rulership by X”

  X-ical adjective “characterized by X”

  X-less adjective “without X”

  X-ness noun ”quality of being X”

  X-ology noun “doctrine or theory of X”

  X-ous adjective “having the quality of X”


  a without

  ab/ abs away from, against

  ac/ acr sharp

  ad/ at to, toward

  am to love

  amb to go, to walk

  anim life, spirit

  ante bore

  anthr/ andr mankind, man

  anti against, opposite

  apt/ ept skill, ability, fit

  bell war

  bene good

  bi two

  carn flesh

  chron time

  circ/ circum around

  cis to cut

  cli to lean

  clu/ clo/ cla to close, shut

  co/ com/ con with, together

  cred believe

  culp blame

  cur/ cour to run

  de away from/ the opposite of

  dem people

  derm skin

  di apart, through, away

  dic to say, to tell

  dign/ dain worth

  dis apart, away from, not

  dys faulty, bad

  epi upon

  equi/ equ equal

  esce to become

  eu good, pleasing

  ex/ ej out, put out

  extr outside, beyond

  fac to make, to do

  fic/ fig to make, to do

  fid faith, trust

  gen birth, creation, kind

  gyn woman

  her/ hes to stick

  hetero different, other

  homo same

  hyper over

  hypo under

  in/ il/ im/ ir not

  in/ en/ im/ em into

  inter between, among

  intra within, inside

  loc/ loq/ log to speak

  luc/ lum light

  magna great, big

  mal bad

  man hand

  mis wrong, bad

  mit/ mis to send

  morph shape, form

  mut change

  nat/ nas/ nai to be born

  neo/ nov new

  nom/ nym name

  ob against, in front of, toward

  omni all, every

  pan all, everywhere

  par equal

  path feeling

  phil love of

  phobe fear of

  phon sound

  plac to please

  pon/ pos place, put

  port to carry

  post after

  pot power, ability

  pre bore

  pro forward, supporting

  pun/ pen to pay, compensate, punish

  re again, back

  sci knowledge, to know


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