


2017/08/12 14:33:12 编辑: 浏览次数:232 移动端

�  Ssat词汇是国内中学生备考ssat的难点部分,记忆过ssat必备核心词汇就已经投入了很大的精力与时间,对于7千到9千的ssat词汇量,其他的ssat词汇我们要如何快速记忆呢?下面澳际小编为您介绍一下根据词汇结构来记忆ssat词汇的方式。

  scrib/ script to write

  sed/ sid to sit, be still

  sequ, secu to follow

  spec to look, appear

  sub under, less than

  super over, greater than

  tact touch

  techn tools, art, skill

  ten to hold

  tens/ ten to stretch

  terr earth

  tract to drag, pull, draw

  trans across

  un/ non not

  uni one

  us/ ut to use

  ven/ vent to come

  vers/ vert to turn

  vi/ viv life

  vid/ vis to see

  voc to call

  vor to eat



  semi/ hemi/ demi half

  mono/ uni one

  duo/ bi two

  tri three

  quad/ quat four

  quint five

  sext six

  sept seven

  oct eight

  nov nine

  dec ten

  cent hundred

  mill thousand

  poly many

  proto first




  acrophobia fear of heights

  pedophobia fear of children

  phonophobia fear of sound

  photophobia fear of light

  pyrophobia fear of fire



  archaeology study of ancient history

  biology study of life

  cosmology study of the universe

  etymology study of word origins

  genealogy study of family origins

  geology study of the earth

  graphology study of handwriting

  psychology study of the mind

  seismology study of earthquake

  sociology study of society

  Family Root

  pater father

  mater mother

  frat brother

  sor sister

  gen birth


  vis/ vid see

  tact/ tangi touch

  audi hear

  son sound

  patho/ pathy feelings, suffering

  corp body

  man hand


  ad to

  ante bore

  circum around

  con/ com together, with

  de from, down

  in/ il/ im in, into, on

  inter between

  intro within

  peri around, about

  re again, back

  se apart

  tele distant

  trans across, beyond

  super over, above


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