

备考资料 常见SSAT数学词汇总结.

2017/08/12 14:19:21 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端


� � � �SSAT考试内容涉及到的生词较多,因此要求我们平日里多注意积累SSAT数学的词汇量。

  圆周 Circumference

  面积 area

  直径 diameter

  半径 radius

  周边;周长 perimeter

  次方 power

  根(数) root

  长 length

  宽 width

  高 height

  基数;底边 base

  � plus or minus

  � ;˙ times or mutiply

  � divide

  - ; / divide, such as a/b

  = equals, is equal to

  ≠ does not equal, is not equal to

  < is less than

  > is greater than

  ≦ is less than or equal to

  ≧ is greater than or equal to

  <> is not equal to; is less than or greater than

  : is to, as in proportions, a : b as c : d

  - - - between numerais or letters, shows omission of some numerals or letters at the end of a series or esquence shows "and so no"

  √ positive square root

  n的次方根 nth root

  ! factorial

  指数 exponent, use a as a factor b times

  ab subscript, for descriptive discrimination

  % percent

  | | absolute value

  ~ similar, is similar to

  ㄥ angle, as in ㄥA or ㄥABC

  mㄥ measure of angle

  直角 right angle; is perpendicular to

  ⊙ circle

  弧形 arc

  △ triangle

  正三角 equilateral triangle

  等腰三角 isosceles triangle

  直角三角 right triangle

  □ square

  四边形 quadrilateral

  平行四边形 parallelogram

  梯形 trapezoid

  ( x , y ) coordinates of a point in a plane

  ( x , y , z ) coordinates of a point in space

  ∴ therore

  $ dollar sign

  ¢ cent sign

  ( ) parentheses, shows order of operations

  [ ] brackets, shows order of operations

  { } braces, shows order of operations; also shows members of a set, when empty shows empty set




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