

ssat写作想得高分 你得这么写.

2017/08/12 10:47:45 编辑: 浏览次数:361 移动端



  “Haste makes waste” is an old English idiom which tells us that if you do things too quickly or too carelessly, you are likely to make more mistakes and end up with bad result. It has been true throughout the history and is absolutely true in the world today. I want to sustain my opinion throughout the following two examples.

  One of the examples that I want to illustrate is the problem-causing construction of the stadium in my neighborhood which was constructed in order to hold the National Sports Game ten years ago. I learned from my mother that the stadium was built only for half a year in a great hurry and haste. At first, all of the people in our neighborhood were supremely amazed at the astonishing rapid rate and ficiency at building such a brand-new stadium with the most advanced technology in our nation. But a good time never lasted long, 2 months later, portion of the roof collapsed due to the heavy storm and rain. This leaded to a series of continuing problem such as a big strike of labors and the shortage of money in mending and rebuilding the “new” stadium. Until 1 year later, the stadium which had been previously considered as the first-class stadium over the country was reopened to public, unfortunately 8 months after the hold of the Nation Sport Game.

  The failure of my test may also be regarded as a very persuasive example of “Haste makes waste”. Once I had a hard time preparing for an extremely complicated but important final-exam in my school. The fact is that I didn’t manage my schedule well and had to go over all the notes and papers in at most 6 hours, in other words, I didn’t have time to rest, to sleep, to have meals but just to keep working. This may seem to be an ficient method to accomplish so much work at the same time. But it turned out to be a terrible or even worse time for me. My head kept falling down and I felt drowsy and couldn’t help falling asleep. Actually I only studied for 3 hours in all, only half of the ficiency that I planned to reach. There couldn’t be an even worse time for me and I learned a hard but meaningful lesson from it.

  In sum, nothing good can be done unless you do it with great clam and carulness, if not, it will probably result in an even more costly and worthless consequence. Just as the example: most of the spelling mistakes are caused because people spell the words too quickly and carelessly without checking them again. Thus, what we should do now is try to be more carul and responsible of what we’re going to do and avoid those unnecessary mistakes.



  第一部分开始后,首先是要仔细读懂所提供的背景信息,然后仔细看题。一定要按照题目规定选择一个观点进行阐述,跑题的作文计分为零。看完题目在短时间内,就要确定自己的观点是什么。因为SSAT作文并不要求你有多高的思想深度,对高中同学来讲,短时间内达到深刻见解是不现实的。选择观点很有效的策略是选择你所知道的example很多的观点。这点很重要,因为或许你本身对一个 topic的第一反映是同意,可是却找不到充足的例子证明此观点,因此我们选择的标准不一定非要取决于自己的立场(同意、反对、部分同意、部分反对),更可行的是选择一个对个人而言容易佐证的观点。其实ssat作文已经很明确的指出考试的每一个话题并不只有一个正确的答案或观点。这个合乎逻辑的观点最好在文章的第一段就明确提出,即开宗明义。写作最忌讳观点模糊不明确,漫无目的地乱写一气。在整个写作的过程中都要反复问自己:读者看了我的文章能明白我的立场吗?

  确定好观点以后,就需要用充分有效的例证来支持观点。这时brainstorming (“头脑风暴”) 的方法可以帮助我们搜集可能想到的例证。选择例子的时候,要问自己一个问题:我的例子能论证我的观点吗?我们来看这个考题:

  Should heroes be dined as people who say what they think when weourselves lack the courage to say it? 是否应该把英雄定义为这样一种人:当我们缺少勇气表达自己看法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的想法。




  澳际六步曲体系 TSSS源于经验、责任、使命、灵感和天才,充分凝聚每一个澳际人的智慧以及数千个名校成功录取案例的经验。澳际引进世界顶级咨询公司先进咨询服务模型和西方职业评估体系基础上,结合申请人在海外求学路上的切实困惑和需求,开创出来的全新留学服务体系。“澳际六步曲”的宗旨是打破传统留学中介代理的服务模式,关注就业,重视科学职业规划,强调授人以“渔”。协助申请人创建自己从未意识到的申请名校的竞争优势(Create your own edge)。澳际旨在成为中国留学行业的改革者和新规则的制定者。我们要破除已有的习惯性思维,推行同样的变革和创新。

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