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?ssat 阅读材料:
Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a coloured pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling. This, however, is not generally a part of the domestic apparatuson the premises. I think myself that the thing might be managed with several pails of Aspinall and a broom. Only if one worked in a really sweeping and masterly way, and laid on the colour in great washes, it might drip down again on one‘s face in floods of rich and mingled colour like some strange fairy rain;and that would have its disadvantages… My proposal to paint on it with the bristly end of a broom has been discouraged—never mind by whom; by a person debarred from all political rights—and even my minor proposal to put the other end of the broom into the kitchen fire and turn it to charcoal has not been conceded. Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my position that all the original inspiration came for covering the ceilings of palaces and cathedral swith a riot of fallen angels or victorious gods. I am sure that it was only because Michael Angelo was engaged in the ancient and honourable occupation of lying in bed that he ever realized how the roof of the Sistine Chapel might be made into an awful imitation of a divine drama that could only be acted in the heavens.
? 试题:
1.In line 3, “apparatus” means
(A) utensils
(B) equipment
(C) necessities
(D) furnishings
(E) accoutrement
2. It can be inferred that in line 8, “never mind by whom” rers to the author’s
(A) wife
(B) agent
(C) editor
(D) landlord
(E) roommate
3. The author‘s tone in the passage might best be described as
(A) realistic
(B) idealistic
(C) scientific
(D) whimsical
(E) educational
4. “Conceded” (line 10) most likely means
(A) lauded
(B) granted
(C) rejected
(D) ridiculed
(E) condemned
5. His primary purpose of this passage is to
(A) enable
(B) amuse
(C) inspire
(D) instruct
(E) distract
? 分析:
这篇文章是1874年出生的英国作家Gilbert K. Chesterton所写的,带有一种典型的浪漫主义的色彩,但作者又不失理性的思维,通篇文章充满了作者幻想和现实之间的冲突。
文章开篇,作者就奇思妙想地提出当人懒洋洋地躺在床上时拿出一支柄够长,能在天花板涂鸦的画笔那该是一件多么美妙的事情啊!(if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling.)
但转瞬就想到,那么长的画笔绝对不是家里的必备工具(This however, is not generally a part of the domestic apparatus…);但作者还未善罢甘休,他立刻想到了长柄画笔的替代品:只要有些颜料和家里的扫帚不就行了?(that thing might be managed with several pails of Aspinall and abroom)。
相当有意思的作者,但如果你以为作者真会这样做那就大错特错了,该计划未能实施主要有两个原因:其一,如果画工不好,那颜料可就要从天花板上滴下来咯(it might drip down again on one’s face);其二,作者的老婆,似乎没有答应她老公这突发奇想(My proposal to paint on it …..has been discouraged by a personde barred from all political rights.)。 好吧,看来作者是真的没戏了。
虽然作者没能完成在天花板上作画的愿望,但作者显然对自己的想法还是充满赞许,作者在文中说到:(Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my position ….for covering the ceilings of palaces and cathedrals with a riot of fallen angels or victorious gods),就是从侧面表扬自己这种充满艺术幻想的人才是能够提出在宫殿和教堂天花板留下旷世奇作的人,即使像米开朗基罗这类文艺复兴的大家也和作者一样 在不经意之间获得了改变人类艺术行为的想法。
? 答题:
文 中作者写道:My proposal to paint on it with the bristly end of a broom has been discouraged…作者提出用扫把在天花板作画,被那人拒绝,那拒绝他的人一定是和他生活在一个屋檐下的人。
? 阅读材料:
A type of human life this forest old;
All leafy, wither‘d, blooming, teeming, blasted;
Bloom that the reign of summer hath outlasted,
And early sere, and blight that flaunts in gold;
And grass, like sorrow, springing from the mould,
Choking the wholesome tree; and verdure wasted,
Like peace; and berries, like our bliss, untasted;
And thorns, like adverse chances, uncontroll’d.
These flowers are joy that ne‘er shall form a wreath;
These lilies are unsure affection crown’d
? 试题:
1.In this poem, our lives are compared to
(A) untasted bliss
(B) this forest old
(C) unsure affection
(D) the wholesome tree
(E) the reign of summer
2.In line 7, “berries, like our bliss, untasted suggests that
(A) the berries are dying
(B) the fruit will go uneaten
(C) berries do not change color
(D) the forest will no longer produce fruit
(E) winter has damaged the berries beyond repair
3. The phrase “grass, like sorrow...Choking the wholesome tree” (lines 5-6) suggests that
(A) lifeis like a thorn
(B) grass corrupts trees
(C) grassis bad for trees‘ growth
(D) life is made more difficult by sadness
(E) life is not as wholesome as a tree surrounded by grass
4. With which of the following statements about death would the author be most likely to agree?
(A) Deathis an inevitable part of life.
(B) People should try not to think about death.
(C) Death often comes suddenly and unannounced.
(D) Death usually comes when life is quiet and still.
(E) Having no appreciation of nature is like being dead.
? 分析:
这 篇诗歌的作者是英国作家Charles Whitehead (1804-1862),作者后来移民到澳大利亚并在那里去世,这是一篇典型的比喻诗歌,作者把人生的种种和森林中的树木花果进行了比较,道出了人生真 谛,对还在初中的孩子来说,这篇诗歌的很多现实意义可能还比较陌生,但不失是一种给孩子的启迪,让他们更加珍惜学习的时光和父母在一起的快乐体验。
Human life-------this forest old
有些学生会问为什么不是old forest?从而对整篇诗歌无法理解。我想解释这边写forest old是为了和后面几句“d”结尾的字做押韵,而且在很多地中海语言形容词是可以放在名词之后的,如法语。
Grass----àsorrow that choke the wholesome tree
Berries---àuntasted bliss(祝福)
Thorn ---àuncontrolle dadverse chances
Lilies--àplants that are with unsure affections
这 篇诗歌的作者对生活还是比较悲观的,作者认为杂草会弄死一颗健康的树,导致翠绿色的树叶全部掉落;树上结的果子还未来得及品尝就已凋零;芒刺就像祸一般不 知何时降临在人的身上,而开心的花朵永远不能形成完整的花环(wreath),正如我们中国人的古话说道的:福无双至,祸不单行。而这些目前盛开的水仙 花,头上都带着不明确的不安全感。
? 答题:
Grass(杂草)或者一些不幸的事情会让平稳的生活(wholesome tree)变得举步维艰。
? 阅读材料:
Social scientists agree that everyone in ageneration is not identical. Nevertheless, many demographers assert that generalizations about the distinct characters of birth groups are helpful forsocial analysis. They aid in designing policy and education targeted toward the unique characteristics of specific cohorts. A case in point are those born between 1981 and 2000, dubbed “The Millennial Generation” because they are the first adults of the 21st century. According to the Pew Research Center, a think tank, the current group of 13- to 29-year-olds is more ethnically and racially diverse than any other similarly-aged cohort in our history. Many believe this explains their tendency to see the mselves as global citizens. Millennials have been described as “digital natives” because of their total comfort with technology. This is in stark contrast with previous generations, such as the Silent Generation, born bore 1946; the Baby Boomers, born during the spike in births between 1946-1964 that followed World War II; or even Generation X, born between 1965-1980. Millennials inhabit a world where personal devices have always existed and are all around us, as ubiquitous as the air we breathe.Because two-thirds of Millennials voted for Barack Obama for president in 2008,some suggest that Millennials are more politically progressive than previous generations.While some authors call Millennials narcissistic, others believe rather that this generation is notably unselfish and eager to be of service to others. Many sociologists believe that understanding Millennials will make those who work with them more productive citizens.
? 试题:
“Cohort”(line 8) as used in the passage most likely rers to any group
(A) of 13 year-olds
(B) made up of U.S. citizens
(C) of civic-minded global citizens
(D) that shares certain characteristics
(E) of extremely diverse individuals;
2. It can be logically inferred from the passage that the parents of the Baby Boomers
(A) were born after 1946
(B) belonged to Generation X
(C) were called “Hie Boomers”
(D) belonged to The Silent Generation
(E) were more progressive than the Millennials
3. It can be logically inferred from thepassage that the Baby Boomers
(A) fought in World War II
(B) were born bore 1946
(C) were younger than The Boomers
(D) were more diverse than the Millennial
(E) were less progressive than the Millennials
4. Which of the following is true based on the passage?
(A) The Pew Research Center studies voting habits.
(B) Generalizations about generations may aid educators.
(C) Members of Generation X have never seen a cell phone.
(D) Generations usually receive nick names that rlect their natures.
(E) Social scientists universally agree that it is usul to categorize generations.
? 分析:
The Millennial Generation(1981-2000)
The Silent Generation (bore 1946)
The Baby Boomers(1946-1964)
Generation X(1965-1980)
每 个年代的人都有共有的特征,比如Millennial的人在政治方面比较比较进步,在2008年美国总统选举中有2/3的Millennial把选票投给 了黑人总统奥巴马,而他们因为出生在一个电子产品爆棚的年代,对电子产品的适应能力和喜爱程度也高于之前的几代人。更好的理解每个年代人大致的性格和特点 能够更好的为社会分析,教育课程编排提供必要的纲领性的指向,让我们社会的发展变得更加有序和合理。
? 答题:
Baby Boomers为二战大量人员伤亡后出生的孩子们,在中国抗日战争结束后,毛主席提出了光荣妈妈的概念,所以中国40/50这批人大多是那时出生的。
Baby Boomers出生于(1946-1964),那他们的父母倒推20+年,应该是1946年前出生,所以属于Silent Generation。
这是一题反推题,因为Millennial是所有Cohort当中最progressive的,那当然Baby Boomers和Millennial比起来还没那么的Progressive。
SSAT 分成词汇,阅读和写作三个部分,词汇部分为同义词30题,类比题30题,总共30分钟,代表每30秒必须回答一个问题,阅读有8篇文章,大多是文学作品节 选,诗歌,作者生平,或者一些著名的文章,共有40题,平均每一篇文章看完加上做题只能花5分钟;数学是国内学生的长项,只要题目看得懂,一般能得高分; 写作虽然是不计分,但是作文和和成绩单一同寄给学校,所以是学校考核学生水平实力的依据,不得不重视。
SSAT 每个单元最低500分,最高800分,因此总分最低1500,最高2400分,为了平衡各次考试题目难易不同,所以SSAT评分另外提供百分比的依据,最 低1%,最高99%,该比例是跟同年级同性别过去三年的考生相比,例如:95%代表100人中你赢过95%的人,美国高中一般以百分比为审核依据。
菲利普斯学院 94%
埃克塞特学院 94%
乔治城预科学校 90%
格罗顿学院 90%
米尔顿中学 90%
圣保罗学校 89%
迪尔菲尔德学院 87%
霍奇基斯中学 87%
撒切尔中学 87%
乔特罗斯玛丽中学 85%
SSAT,是“Secon- dary School Admission Test”的缩写,即中学入学考试;但为方便记忆和理解,俗称“小赛达”。SSAT主要测试学生的数学、英文程度及理解力。考试分为数学、词汇、阅读三大部分,另有作文(不记分)。有低阶(5-7年级的考生),满分为2130分。高阶 (8-11年级的考生),满分为2400分,两种考卷。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲