您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 就四步 轻松搞定ssat作文题.
1. 考试切忌不要迟到,因为直接关系到SSAT essay 部分的写作。该部分为考试的第一部分,历时25分钟,在25分钟之内要论述清楚一篇议论性质的文章,时间是紧迫的,如果因迟到而减少写作时间,则该部分将损失较大。
2. 仔细阅读ssat作文的TOPIc(写作话题)。ssat作文一般会给予一个相关TOPIc,问求考生对其的观点如何。凭借历年来考生情况的反应,多数考生觉得作文难写是因为读不懂TOPIc。在此笔者强度,考试话题表述中,一般不会出现非常难的单词,相反,都是相对初级的词汇量,关键是对整句话的整体把握。不要去应求这句话是哪一句名言警句(尽管很有可能考到某个警句谚语等),考生不要花时间去苛求该名句的翻译,而是理解大致是什么意思,需强调的是,不要拘泥于句子表达的字面意思,考生须透过文字看到内部隐含的深层理论思想。
3. 理解话题不可超过3分钟的时间,如果因为看不懂TOPIc而长时间拘泥于此,无法动笔,那么行文的时间势必不够。
6. 举例子时注意例子的真实性、典型性、及权威性。考生在考试时,一定要打开思路,从万千生活中迅速搜索到符合自己话题且具有说服力的句子。例子要从不同方面寻求独特的事件说明观点。
6. 注意文章例证过程中结构的清晰明了。一段一例,注意相关过渡词语的使用,使得文章结构一目了然。
7. 文章结尾部分干净利落,一定记得将自己观点重述一遍,注意表达中句子的变换。
Haste makes waste
“Haste makes waste” is an old English idiom which tells us that if you do things too quickly or too carelessly, you are likely to make more mistakes and end up with bad result. It has been true throughout the history and is absolutely true in the world today. I want to sustain my opinion throughout the following two examples.
One of the examples that I want to illustrate is the problem-causing construction of the stadium in my neighborhood which was constructed in order to hold the National Sports Game ten years ago. I learned from my mother that the stadium was built only for half a year in a great hurry and haste. At first, all of the people in our neighborhood were supremely amazed at the astonishing rapid rate and ficiency at building such a brand-new stadium with the most advanced technology in our nation. But a good time never lasted long, 2 months later, portion of the roof collapsed due to the heavy storm and rain. This leaded to a series of continuing problem such as a big strike of labors and the shortage of money in mending and rebuilding the “new” stadium. Until 1 year later, the stadium which had been previously considered as the first-class stadium over the country was reopened to public, unfortunately 8 months after the hold of the Nation Sport Game.
The failure of my test may also be regarded as a very persuasive example of “Haste makes waste”. Once I had a hard time preparing for an extremely complicated but important final-exam in my school. The fact is that I didn’t manage my schedule well and had to go over all the notes and papers in at most 6 hours, in other words, I didn’t have time to rest, to sleep, to have meals but just to keep working. This may seem to be an ficient method to accomplish so much work at the same time. But it turned out to be a terrible or even worse time for me. My head kept falling down and I felt drowsy and couldn’t help falling asleep. actually I only studied for 3 hours in all, only half of the ficiency that I planned to reach. There couldn’t be an even worse time for me and I learned a hard but meaningful lesson from it.
In sum, nothing good can be done unless you do it with great clam and carulness, if not, it will probably result in an even more costly and worthless consequence. Just as the example: most of the spelling mistakes are caused because people spell the words too quickly and carelessly without checking them again. Thus, what we should do now is try to be more carul and responsible of what we’re going to do and avoid those unnecessary mistakes.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲