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  4. GWD-4-Q35 to Q37暗银河系的发现及其科学意义

  In addition to conventional

  galaxies, the universe contains

  very dim galaxies that until

  Line recently went unnoticed by

  (5) astronomers. Possibly as

  numerous as conventional gal-

  axies, these galaxies have the

  same general shape and even

  the same approximate number

  (10) of stars as a common type of

  conventional galaxy, the spiral,

  but tend to be much larger.

  Because these galaxies’

  mass is spread out over

  (15) larger areas, they have far

  fewer stars per unit volume

  than do conventional galaxies.

  Apparently these low-surface-

  brightness galaxies, as they

  (20) are called, take much longer

  than conventional galaxies to

  condense their primordial gas

  and convert it to stars—that is,

  they evolve much more slowly. 暗星系的发现及其特征

  (25) These galaxies may

  constitute an answer to the long-

  standing puzzle of the missing

  baryonic mass in the universe.

  Baryons—subatomic particles

  (30) that are generally protons or

  neutrons—are the source of

  stellar, and therore galactic,

  luminosity, and so their numbers

  can be estimated based on how

  (35) luminous galaxies are. How-

  ever, the amount of helium

  in the universe, as measured

  by spectroscopy, suggests

  that there are far more baryons

  (40) in the universe than estimates

  based on galactic luminosity

  indicate. Astronomers have

  long speculated that the missing

  baryonic mass might eventually

  (45) be discovered in intergalactic

  space or as some large popu-

  lation of galaxies that are difficult

  to detect. 此发现的应用



  1P: in addition to conventional, dim until recently went unnoticed….. these have same, same, but spiral larger. Because, evolves much more slowly.

  2P: constitute an answer to puzzle.. baryons can be estimated… however, suggests far more baryons than estimates. Astronomers speculated …..

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