


2017/08/12 08:08:19 编辑: 浏览次数:68 移动端



  The primary purpose of the passage is to explain the

  A. qualities that make a particular organism unique

  B. evolutionary change undergone by a particular organism

  C. reasons that a phenomenon benits a particular organism

  D. way in which two particular organisms compete for a resource

  E. means by which a particular organism has been able to survive in a barren region

  The explanation is that each aspen, while appearing to exist separately as a single tree, is in fact only the stem or shoot of a far larger organism.



  It can be inferred from the passage that when aspen groves experience a “disturbance” (line 30), such a disturbance

  A. leads to a hormonal imbalance within an aspen clone

  B. provides soil conditions that are favorable for new shoots

  C. thins out aspen groves that have become overly dense

  D. suppresses the formation of too many new aspen stems

  E. protects aspen groves by primarily destroying coniferous trees rather than aspens

  If a clone loses many stems simultaneously, the resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a huge increase in new, rapidly growing shoots that can outnumber the ones destroyed. An aspen grove needs to experience fire or some other disturbance regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and spread.



  The author of the passage rers to “the bark of most trees” (line 6) most likely in order to emphasize the

  A. vulnerability of aspens to damage from fire when compared to other trees

  B. rapidity with which trees other than aspens succumb to destruction by fire

  C. relatively great degree of difficulty with which aspens catch on fire when compared to other trees

  D. difference in appearance between the bark of aspens and that of other trees

  E. benits of fire to the survival of various types of trees

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