


2017/08/12 08:02:22 编辑: 浏览次数:210 移动端


  9. GWD-7-Q22 to Q25形成火山的两个机理

  Earth’s surface consists of rigid

  plates that are constantly shifting and

  jostling one another. Plate movements

  Line are the surface expressions of motions

  (5) in the mantle—the thick shell of rock

  that lies between Earth’s crust and its

  metallic core. Although the hot rock of

  the mantle is a solid, under the tre-

  mendous pressure of the crust and

  (10) overlying rock of the mantle, it flows like

  a viscous liquid. The mantle’s motions,

  analogous to those in a pot of boiling

  water, cool the mantle by carrying hot

  material to the surface and returning

  (15) cooler material to the depths. When

  the edge of one plate bends under

  another and its cooler material is con-

  sumed in the mantle, volcanic activity

  occurs as molten lava rises from the

  (20) downgoing plate and erupts through the

  overlying one.地球板块运动及火山爆发产生

  Most volcanoes occur at plate

  boundaries. However, certain “mis-

  placed” volcanoes far from plate

  (25) edges result from a second, indepen-

  dent mechanism that cools the deep

  interior of Earth. Because of its prox-

  imity to Earth’s core, the rock at the

  base of the mantle is much hotter than

  (30) rock in the upper mantle. The hotter the

  mantle rock is, the less it resists flow-

  ing. Reservoirs of this hot rock collect

  in the base of the mantle. When a

  reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere

  (35) of this hot rock forces its way up

  through the upper mantle to Earth’s

  surface, creating a broad bulge in the

  topography. The “mantle plume” thus

  formed, once established, continues to

  (40) channel hot material from the mantle

  base until the reservoir is emptied.

  The surface mark of an established

  plume is a hot spot—an isolated

  region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain

  (45) located far from the edge of a surface

  plate. Because the source of a hot

  spot remains fixed while a surface

  plate moves over it, over a long period

  of time an active plume creates a chain

  (50) of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a

  track marking the position of the plume

  relative to the moving plate. The natural

  history of the Hawaiian island chain

  clearly shows the movement of the

  Pacific plate over a fixed plume. 不在边缘火山爆发原因解释



  1P: earth consists of… mantle’s motion analogous to boiling water. One plates bends under another, volcanic activity…

  2P: most occur at boundaries. However, certain occur far from edge result from……. The natural history of H shows….

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