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  The author cites Hallam (line 42) on the ice ages primarily in order to

  A. provide an example of a geologic phenomenon whose precise causes are not fully understood by geologists today

  B. criticize the geological community for an apparent lack of consistency in its responses to new theories

  C. offer evidence held to undermine a common view of why Wegener’s theory was not accepted in its day注意二段首句

  D. give an example of a modern scientist who believes that Wegener’s theory was rejected because it failed to adequately explain the mechanical basis of continental drift不是作者赞同的观点 大错特错

  E. support Gould’s rationale for why Wegener’s theory was rejected by most geologists in the early twentieth century反



  The author of the passage rers to the “considerable overlap” (line 23) between continental drift theory and plate tectonics theory most probably in order to

  A. suggest that plate tectonics theory is derived from Wegener’s work

  B. introduce a discussion comparing the elements of the two theories

  C. examine the question of whether continental drift theory was innovative in its time

  D. provide a reason why it might seem surprising that continental drift theory was not more widely embraced by geologists注意作者态度

  E. cite an explanation that has been frequently offered for Wegener’s high standing among geologists today



  The author of the passage suggests that the most likely explanation for the geological community’s response to continental drift theory in its day was that the theory

  A. was in conflict with certain aspects of plate tectonics theory反

  B. failed to account for how mountains were formed

  C. did not adequately explain how continents moved through the ocean floor

  D. was contradicted by the geophysical data of the time

  E. was based on a kind of evidence that was considered insufficiently convincing

  The most likely cause for the rejection of continental drift―a cause that has been largely ignored because we consider Wegener’s theory to have been validated by the theory of plate tectonics―is the nature of the evidence that was put forward to support it.



  It can be inferred from the passage that geologists today would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about Wegener’s The Origin of Continents and Oceans?

  A. It was a worthy scientific fort that was ahead of its time.是和t理论类似的理论,所以文中对t的态度即是对w的态度,并且w走在时代前面

  B. It was based on evidence that was later disproved.

  C. It was directly responsible for the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics.

  D. It has been disproved by continental drift theory.

  E. It misrepresented how horizontal displacements cause the formation of mountain chains.

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