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  The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that the “caution” (line 29) urged by de Ricqlès regarding claims about dinosaur physiology was

  A. unjustified by the evidence available to de Ricqlès作者同意caution是未被证明的.....不晓得在说什么 不是作者的态度 文章推不出来

  B. unnecessary, given the work done by Bakker and his followers

  C. indicative of the prevailing scientific opinion at the time

  D. warranted, given certain subsequent findings of other scientists

  E. influential in the recent work of Chinsamy无

  Answer:是问态度,作者对DE RICQLES的CAUTION的态度,阅读首要的是看清问题。



  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. discuss the influence on other scientists of Bakker’s argument concerning the

  warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs

  B. provide evidence that supports the claim that dinosaurs were cold-blooded无

  C. challenge the contention that dinosaur bone tissue is innately fibro-lamellar文章不是要说这个,而是说warm-blooded和cold-blooded

  D. evaluate the claim that dinosaur bone tissue provides evidence for the warmbloodedness of dinosaurs

  E. resolve the disagreement between de Ricqlès and Bakker over the nature of

  dinosaur physiology



  According to the passage, the discovery of growth rings in the bones of certain dinosaurs served to undermine which of the following claims?

  A. That modern reptiles are related to dinosaurs支持这个理论

  B. That bone growth in dinosaurs was periodic in nature无关

  C. That dinosaurs were warm-blooded

  however, Bakker’s contention began to be questioned, as number of scientists found growth rings in the bones of various dinosaurs that are much like those in modern reptiles.

  D. That dinosaurs had an intermediate type of physiology支持

  E. That fibro-lamellar bone is the product of a rapid growth rate无关



  The author of the passage mentions bone growth patterns in juvenile crocodiles most likely in order to

  A. provide support for the argument that reptiles are not related to dinosaurs

  B. undermine the claim that most reptiles are slow-growing

  C. offer an explanation as to why juvenile crocodiles differ from most modern reptiles

  D. suggest the juvenile crocodiles have a type of physiology intermediate between that of mammals and that of reptiles偏

  E. suggest that the presence of fibro-lamellar bone does not resolve the debate over dinosaur physiology

  注意前后观点raise a question, remains unanswered

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