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  Q 13:

  NOTE: You must scroll to read the answer

  choices for this question.

  According to the passage, which of the following is true about the role played by ground squirrels in the ecology of grassland-wetland complexes?

  A. While not important in the diet of raccoons or striped skunks, ground squirrels are a significant source of food for other waterfowl-nest predators.

  B. Whereas ground squirrels are typically important as predators of songbird nests, their opportunistic predation on waterfowl nests also has an observable fect on waterfowl nesting success.

  C. Although most waterfowl-nest predators prey on small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels, populations of ground squirrels tend to increase quickly enough to compensate for this level of predation.

  D. Although ground squirrels have been known to prey on songbird nests, a larger portion of their diets is usually provided by predation on waterfowl nests.

  E. Since larger predators tend to prer small mammals to songbird eggs as a food source, a large population of ground squirrels plays an important role in controlling opportunistic predation on songbird nests.

  Neither raccoons nor striped skunks consume ground squirrels, which are important predators of songbird nests.

  ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets.



  Q 14:

  Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence “Neither raccoons…songbird nests” (lines 34-37) in the context of the passage as a whole?

  A. It raises questions about the validity of a theory described in the first paragraph.

  B. It points out an oversimplification that is inherent in the argument presented in

  the first paragraph.

  C. It introduces information that may help explain the results of the experiment that are presented earlier in the paragraph.

  D. It provides a specific example of the type of data collected in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.

  E. It anticipates a potential objection to the conclusions drawn by the researchers involved in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.


  Q 15:

  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. describe some procedures used for wildlife management and consider some problems associated with the execution of those procedures

  B. outline a problem related to a wildlife management procedure and offer potential explanations for the results of an experiment bearing on that problem

  C. present experimental results that illustrate the need for certain wildlife management procedures and point out some inconsistencies in those results

  D. argue that a certain procedure used for wildlife management should be modified because of its unintended consequences

  E. propose that further experiments be performed to assess the long-term fects of certain wildlife management proceduresuplands enough to allow detection.  

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