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  25. GWD-26-Q32-Q35 中国人改进了英国人测量珠峰高度的方法

  In 1975 Chinese survey teams

  remeasured Mount Everest, the highest

  of the Himalayan mountains. Like the

  Line British in 1852, they used the age-old

  (5) technique of “carrying in” sea level:

  surveyors marched inland from the

  coast for thousands of miles, stopping

  at increments of as little as a few feet

  to measure their elevation, and mark-

  (10) ing each increment with two poles.

  To measure the difference in elevation

  between poles, surveyors used an

  optical level—a telescope on a level

  base—placed halfway between the

  (15) poles. They sighted each pole, read-

  ing off measurements that were then

  used to calculate the change in eleva-

  tion over each increment. In sight of

  the peaks the used theodolites—

  (20) telescopes for measuring vertical and

  horizontal angles—to determine the

  elevation of the summit.

  The Chinese, however, made

  forts to correct for the errors that

  (25) had plagued the British. One source

  of error is rraction, the bending of

  light beams as they pass through air

  layers of different temperature and

  pressure. Because light traveling.

  (30) down from a summit passes through

  many such layers, a surveyor could

  sight a mirage rather than the peak

  itself. To reduce rraction errors, the

  Chinese team carried in sea level to

  (35) within five to twelve miles of Everest’s

  summit, decreasing the amount of air

  that light passed through on its way to

  their theodolites. The Chinese also

  launched weather balloons near their

  (40) theodolites to measure atmospheric

  temperature and pressure changes

  to better estimate rraction errors.

  Another hurdle is the peak’s shape.

  When surveyors sight the summit.

  (45) there is a risk they might not all

  measure the same point. In 1975

  the Chinese installed the first survey

  beacon on Everest, a red rlector

  visible through a theodolite for ten

  (50) miles, as a rerence point. One

  more source of error is the uneven-

  ness of sea level. The British

  assumed that carrying in sea level

  would extend an imaginary line from

  (55) the shore along Earth’s curve to a

  point beneath the Himalaya. In

  reality, sea level varies according

  to the irregular interior of the planet.

  The Chinese used a gravity meter to

  correct for local deviations in sea level.

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