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  It can be inferred from the passage thatrraction would be most likely to causeerrors in measurements of a mountain’selevation under which of the followingconditions?

  A. When there are local variations in sea level

  B. When light passes through humid air

  C. When theodolites are used relatively far from the mountain peak.

  D. When weather balloons indicate low air temperature and pressure.

  E. When sea level has been carried in to Within five to twelve miles of the summit.



  Which of the following best describes the purpose of the sentence in lines 23-25 (“The Chinese…the British”)?

  A. Introduce a dinition

  B. Signal a transition in focus

  C. Summarize the preceding paragraph

  D. Draw a contrast between two different theories.

  E. Present information that contradicts the Preceding paragraph.



  Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible source of error in surveying mountain elevation?

  A. Mirages

  B. Rraction

  C. Inaccurate instruments

  D. Variations in sea level

  E. Uncertainty about the exact point to be Measured



  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. provide details about improvements to a process

  B. challenge the assumptions underlying a new method

  C. criticize the way in which a failed project was carried out

  D. call for new methods to solve an existing problem

  E. explain the theory behind a new technique

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