


2017/08/12 05:07:37 编辑: 浏览次数:369 移动端







  Total Score 6

  Analyzes the issue 6

  Supports ideas 6

  Organizes a coherent idea 6

  Language control 6

  题目:"The package of benits and incentives thatReady-to-Ware offers to professional staff is too costly. Our quarterly profitshave declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time ofour incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive fect, as we havehad only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professionalstaff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therore, offerthe reduced benits package that was in place two years ago and use thesavings to fund our current research and development initiatives."


  In this argument the director recommends that thesoftware company offer the reduced benits package that was in place two yearsago and use the savings to fund current research and development activities.Several reasons are offered in support of this argument. First of all, theauthor points out that the quarterly profits of the company have declined sincethe incorporation of the benits and incentive package two years ago andclaims that the package is very costly. In addition, the author mentiones thatthe company had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-qualityprofessional employees. As we skim through the argument we may find theconclusion somewhat appealing. After a quick but carul analysis, we caneasily identify several logic flaws that render author&aposs line of reasoningquestionable.

  First of all, the author attributed the decline inprofits to the incorporation of the benits package simply because the latterprecedented the former. However, the author&aposs line of reasoning is fallaciousunless other factors relevant to the decline in profits have been ruled out.For example, other factors such as poor marketing strategies, overly aggresivepricing structures, or even lousy product quality control have led the declinein the company&aposs revenue in that particular quarter following the introductionof the benits and incentives package. Unless all these factors have beenconsidered and ruled out, it is premature on the part of the author to concludethat the benits package caused the decline in profits.

  In addition, the author fails to establish the linkbetween introducing the benits package and failing to recruit and trainprofessional staff. The author did notmention what other factors can impact recruiting process and the fects oftraining programs. For example, the benits package may simply not be goodenough attract high quality staff to join the company, even though the packageitself is quite costly. The author did not provide enough details about thebenits and incentives package itself and it is impossible to tell the qualityof the package. The author fails to take into account of such possibilities andconveniently chooses to blame the benit package. Therore, without furtherinformation about package, the author&aposs conclusion is not very convincing.

  Moreover, the author assumes that swtiching back to thelower cost benits package two years ago would solve all the issues above.There is, however, no guarantee that the author will succeed. There is noinformation that the company was successful when the old package was inplace. Even if so, the market andeconomic environment could have changedso signifcantly that the same strategy that worked bore would not necessarilywork in the future. Switching back to a lower cost program may help reduce thecost and improve changes of profitability, but it is by no means a certaintythat the company will become profitable again without information on other relevantfactors, such as product design, quality and cost control. Thus, the author&apossrecommendation is not acceptable.

  In summary, the author&aposs conclusion is not persuassive asit stands. It could be considerably strengthened if the author has ruled outother factors relevant to the decline of profits and find the real root cause.In order to assess the merits of the situation, it is essential to have all theknowledge about the factors that impact recruiting process and the training ofprofessional staff. Further evidence that can show switching back to the lowercost benits package couled allow profitability will further substantiate theauthor&aposs view.








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