


2017/08/11 20:59:53 编辑: 浏览次数:222 移动端

  第二类 暗度陈仓—形式并列松散,逻辑呼应紧密

  188. (28112-!-item-!-188;#058&002759) (GWD-7-Q33)

  The health benits of tea have been the subject of much research; in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting some forms of cancer, the brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  A. in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting

  B. in addition to its possibilities to prevent or inhibit

  C. besides the possibility that it prevents and inhibits

  D. besides the possible preventing and inhibiting of

  E. besides possibly preventing or inhibiting

  此题咋看着 in addition to或者besides不知道怎么用,因为很多人生硬地认为主语和in addiction to 之后的东西应该平行,其实不然,该题的妙处,也是在于意合,读者需要判断,“防治癌症”这事儿,到底和句子中哪个地方有资格构成“意合”?


  The brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, besides possibly preventing or inhibiting some forms of cancer

  这会儿看明白了吧,实际上,他们需要和in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke平行,本题答案也呼之欲出了。当然,本题还有其它看点,容后再述。

  有了这题的基础,大家应该会比较明天PREP里面大家一直郁闷的两题,答案是怎么回事,因为, In addition to 到底和谁平行,不是由谁放在主语说了算,而是意思说了算!

  In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.


  (A) Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting

  (B) Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and by painstakingly documenting

  (C) Leakey was a contributor to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of

  (D) Leakey&aposs contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and her painstaking documentation of

  (E) Leakey&aposs contributions to archaeology include discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of

  129. (31370-!-item-!-188;#058&004475)

  In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology through her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and through her painstaking documentation of East African cave paintings.

  (A) Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology through her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and through her painstaking documentation of

  (B) Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting

  (C) Mary Leakey was a contributor to archaeology by discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of

  (D) Mary Leakey&aposs contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting

  (E) Mary Leakey&aposs contributions to archaeology include her discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of

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