

名师点评GMAT语法中the same as的用法.

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  看了所有以前的the same as/that的总结,但总有东鳞西爪,不全面的感觉。这个总结写了蛮久,大家可以再发表意见。


  the same...as/that的终极总结

  1) 首先,the same … as/that 并非在任何情况下都有可比性。as是用来做比较的连词,而that是关系代词。不难发现,有非常多的情况下我们只能用连词。以下的情况完全不用担心the same … that。

  a) 被比较的部分有省略的情况出现。这是比较从句的一大特征,此时无需再考虑引导 宾语从句的the same … that。

  i). Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as to established big businesses

  ii). Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

  b) 被比较的部分有倒装的情况出现。这是比较从句的一大特征,此时无需再考虑引导宾语从句的the same … that。

  i) The Moon was formed in the same way as were the planets in the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth)

  2) 连词有它的灵活性,在很多时候用关系代词that会产生逻辑上的歧义。the same sth. that中,that必须修饰sth。所以在下面的例子中,that必须修饰distance和position(且不论这样是否可以)。但实际上pass的宾语必须是the Earth才说的通。用as避免了这个麻烦。

  i. In its most recent approach, the comet Crommelin passed the Earth at about the same distance and in about the same position, some 25 degrees above the horizon, that Halley’s comet will pass the next time it appears. 错。

  ii. In its most recent approach, the comet Crommelin passed the Earth at about the same distance and in about the same position, some 25 degrees above the horizon, as will Halley’s comet. 正确。

  3) 目前流行两种关于the same as/that的解释。一是看前后的动词,如果动词相同则用as,不同则用that。二是看比较对象sth是抽象名词还是具体名词,抽象名词用as,具体名词用that。经过推敲,第一种方法是不严密的。比如:She is reading the same book that I read yesterday. 虽然前后动词相同,我们还是用the same that。

  第二种理论基本正确但需要加上一点限制条件和特例。首先,当sth 是抽象名词时,后面肯定是加as。比如:Company A can provide the same quality as company B. 而不能说Company A can provide the same quality that company B can provide.其次,当sth是具体名词时,只有当sth在that从句中作宾语才用the same sth that.

  比如:Our meeting is held in the same room as yesterday’s conference. 由于room不是做宾语,所以不可以加that. 同样的句子改一下就可以用the same … that.

  We will use the same room that was used by yesterday’s conference.

  4) 最后,当比较对象是year或way时,应该优先用the same … that,因为the year that, the way in which/that/直接加定从,是习惯用法。此时,可以不用考虑year或way在定语从句中是不是作宾语。

  5) 综上,分辨that same … as/that的法则是:“先看第二句是否有倒装或省略,如有就用the same … as。再看比较对象是不是抽象名词, 如是用the same … as。如果比较对象是year或way(后面没倒装和省略), 应该用the same … that。如果比较对象是具体名词且在后面的定语从句中作宾语,用the same … that,如果做其他成分或可能引起歧义则用the same … as。”

  以上对GMAT语法考试中的常见备考要点进行了较为详细的阐述,考生不妨以此为鉴,通过反复练习逐步掌握其在GAMT语法考试中的使用规律,从而在GMAT语法考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接




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