

GMAT逻辑基础大讲堂之Role (Boldface)(3).

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  5) Aroca City currently funds its public schools through taxes on property. In place of this system, the city plans to introduce a sales tax of three percent on all retail sales in the city. Critics protest that three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes. The critics are correct on this point. Nevertheless, implementing the plan will probably not reduce the money going to Aroca&aposs schools. Several large retailers have selected Aroca City as the site for huge new stores, and these are certain to draw large numbers of shoppers from neighboring municipalities, where sales are taxed at rates of six percent and more. In consequence, retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increase substantially.

  In the argument given, the two potions in boldface play which of the following roles?

  A. The first is an objection that has been raised against a certain plan; the second is a prediction that, if accurate, undermines the force of that objection.

  B. The first is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the second is a point the argument makes in favor of adopting an alternative plan.

  C. The first is a criticism, endorsed by the argument, of a funding plan; the second is the main reason cited by the argument for its endorsement of the criticism.

  D. The first is a claim that the argument seeks to rute; the second is the main point used by the argument to show that the claim is false.

  E. The first is a claim that the argument accepts with certain reservations; the second presents that claim in a rewarding that is not subject to those reservations.

  6) The stable functioning of a society depends upon the relatively long-term stability of the goals of its citizens. This is clear from the fact that unless the majority of individuals have a predictable and enduring set of aspirations, it will be impossible for a legislature to craft laws that will augment the satisfaction of the citizenry, and it should be obvious that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens.

  The claim that a society is stable only if its laws tend to increase the happiness of its citizens plays which one of the following roles in the argument?

  (A) It is the conclusion of the argument.

  (B) It helps to support the conclusion of the argument.

  (C) It is a claim that must be ruted if the conclusion is to be established.

  (D) It is a consequence of the argument.

  (E) It is used to illustrate the general principle that the argument presupposes.

  7) Legal theorist: It is unreasonable to incarcerate anyone for any other reason than that he or she is a serious threat to the property or lives of other people. The breaking of a law does not justify incarceration, for lawbreaking proceeds either from ignorance of the law or of the fects of one’s actions, or from the free choice of the lawbreaker. Obviously mere ignorance cannot justify incarcerating a lawbreaker, and even free choice on the part of the lawbreaker fails to justify incarceration, for free choice proceeds from the desires of an agent, and the desires of an agent are products of genetics and environmental conditioning, neither of which is controlled by the agent

  The claim in the first sentence of the passage plays which one of the following roles in the argument

  (A) It is offered as a premise that helps to show that no actions are under the control of the agent

  (B) It is offered as background information necessary to understand the argument

  (C) It is offered as the main conclusion that the argument is designed to establish

  (D) It is offered as evidence for the stated claim that protection of life and property is more important than retribution for past illegal acts

  (E) It is offered as evidence for the stated claim that lawbreaking proceeds from either ignorance of the law, or ignorance of the fects of one’s actions, or free choice

  8) Psychology professor: The percentage of children having psychological problems is higher among children of Sea Turtle parents than among other children in China. However, it would be wrong to conclude that these psychological problems are caused by the difficulty these expatriates’ children have adjusting to a new environment in China. It is just as rational to infer that certain behaviors which accompany the Sea Turtle families bore the move —anxiety for and uncertainties of their future—are learned by children from their Sea Turtle parents, and that it is these learned behaviors, rather than the difficulty of adjusting to lives in China, that cause the children’s psychological problems.

  What role does the assertion that children of Sea Turtle parents have a higher rate of psychological problems than other children in China play in the argument above?

  (A) It is the final conclusion of the argument.

  (B) It is an established claim that the argument tries to rute.

  (C) It is offered as evidence for the claim that going back to China is harmful to the children of the Sea Turtle parents.

  (D) It is offered as evidence for the claim that certain behaviors are often responsible for expatriates and their children.

  (E) It is cited as an established finding for which the argument proposes a reasonable explanation.




2.GMAT考试 6月5日更新GMAT逻辑机经(二)


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