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GMAT考试,语法题的部分经常会出现考GMAT标点符号,而常用的GMAT标点符号有:Semicolons分号、Colons冒号、Commas逗号、 Parentheses括号、Dashes破折号、Hyphens连字号、Ellipsis省略号和Quotation marks引号。以下是对分号和冒号使用方法的总结。
1. Semicolons分号 (;)
a. Use a semicolon between two complete sentencesthat are very closely related.
b. Use a semicolon bore however and similar words (these words are called conjunctive adverbs) that show a relationship between two complete . sentences
大家注意,一定是complete sentence啊!Complete sentence must have a subject and a verb.
例句:I bet you though you wouldn’t have to learn another semicolon rule; however, you were wrong.
c. Use a semicolon bore clauses that are introduced by for example, that is, nor namely.
例句:Olivia and Malory are excellent students; for example, they both made A’s on that really tough math test.
d. Use semicolons between clauses or phases that contain a lot of commas.通常是一堆并列句子的时候应用此原则。因为太多的comma会让读者产生断句的困难。
2. Colons 冒号(:)
a. Use a colon when you want to say “here come an example” or “here’s what I’m talking about.”
例句:This sentence is grammatically correct: I wonder if wolves actually wolf down their pizzas the way I wolf down mine. 读出来是那种“here’s what I’m talking about.”的感觉了吗? 冒号后面的句子是进一步解释了前半句。
b. Use a colon bore some lists. (这个一看就知道了吧…地球人都知道)
c. Use a colon bore subtitles of books, articles, chapters, etc.
多么熟悉的面孔啊,很多article的title就是这样子的,例如,The title of the book is Michael Jordan: Basketball Superman.
如上文所述,在常见的GMAT标点符号中,除了Semicolons分号、Colons冒号,还有Commas逗号、 Parentheses括号、Dashes破折号、Hyphens连字号、Ellipsis省略号和Quotation marks引号等常用标点符号,我们将会在以后的文章中逐步讲解。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲