


2017/08/11 19:51:17 编辑: 浏览次数:552 移动端



  新的GMAT阅读词汇备考方式叫做 “critical reading”,而在一些国外讲解这个知识的文献中,对于它最浅显通俗的解释就是,你要在阅读中保持一种“好奇心”,有的时候,如果你有足够的好奇心,一个词甚至都可能帮你解决大问题,而这一点恰恰又反过来印证了我们中国学生在背单词时候应该有的态度。举个例子,在GMAT OG第380页有这样一篇文章,讲了1980年代在美国出现的临时工用工潮的现象。


  Some observers have attributed the dramaticgrowth in temporary employment that occurred inthe United States during the 1980s to increasedparticipation in the workforce by certain groups,such as first-time or reentering workers, whosupposedly prer such arrangements. However,statistical analyses reveal that demographicchanges in the workforce did not correlate withvariations in the total number of temporaryworkers.

  Given the analyses, which reveal thatgrowth in temporary employment now far exceedsthe level explainable by recent workforce entryrates of groups said to prer temporary jobs, firmsshould be discouraged from creating excessivenumbers of temporary positions.

  在第一段中有一个词叫做supposedly,它的释义我相信我们的考生一定能够知道,是“据认为,据推测;据称;一般相信,一般看来”的意思,第二段中有个短语搭配叫做said to,也可以有“被称为,据说”的含义,而且两者后边都接的是“喜欢这样的(临时)工作”,换句话说这里两处都说的是一个意思,叫做有人被称作,据说喜欢临时工作。那么对于这样两个我们不可能不知道意思的词,我们在阅读的时候要读出什么东西呢?我们要去问一个问题:为什么作者在这里要这样描述呢?为什么不用其他词而用这样两个词呢?而只要你想通了这一点,后边的一道题目:

  53. The passage suggests which of the following aboutthe workers who took temporary jobs during the1980s?选E

  (A) Their jobs frequently led to permanent positionswithin firms.

  (B) They constituted a less demographically diversegroup than has been suggested.

  (C) They were occasionally involved in actionsorganized by labor unions.

  (D) Their pay declined during the decade incomparison with the pay of permanentemployees.

  (E) They did not necessarily prer temporaryemployment to permanent employment.




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