

Reading Trainer iOS破解版.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:216 移动端

The PowerReader allows you to get your daily work done while practicing important reading skills.   Learning reading techniques has never been this much fun!   Double your reading speed in just a few days.   Trial users have used this software to increase their reading speed by an average of 143% in 10 days.   Who can benit from this app?   - Do you often feel that you take too long to read something?   - Do you return to previous passagesbecause something was not clear?   - Are you easily distracted while reading?   - Do you have difficulty recalling what you read?   Do you currently need 30 minutes to read the daily paper? Soon you will read two papers and, in addition, another chapter in an interesting non-fiction book – within the same time period.   Combining the iPad with this entirely new app provides the ideal platform to achieve measurable results with a minimum of fort.   But that’s not all: You will have fun mastering the skills you need to attain fective reading techniques and significantly increase your reading speed; this means:   - Rapid recognition of numbers, letters and words   - Flexible eye movements   - Improved ability to concentrate   - Increased vision span Reading Trainer iOS破解版 www.aoji.cn (2.96 MB)

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