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  GMAT逻辑推理题型中,归纳推理(Inductive Reasoning)可谓一大难点,很多考生因无法理解GMAT考试归纳推理中的必要条件(Prerequisite/Necessary Condition),往往在这种题型上失分较多。从其定义上看,GMAT考试归纳推理是由个例推向一般的一种推理过程。自然界中,任何特定现象的发生都有其解释的理由,或者说都依赖于多个不同的条件才能发生,而我们的确难以找出某一特定事物存在或发生的所有条件,根据这一认为,GMAT逻辑推理只要求我们寻求一个支持或是反对段落推理的答案,当然GMAT考试中这种支持或反对条件只是一种相对的使结论成立的可能性增加或减少的条件而决非使命题结论绝对正确的条件。



  Mass transit authorities in large cities are struggling with dicits. Riders complain about delays and breakdowns, cuts in service, and fares higher than they are accustomed to paying. For all these reasons and because the price of gasoline is still not prohibitive, the number of passengers using public transportation has fallen, adding to the dicits.

  段落释义: 大城市的公共交通主管部正努力克服财政赤字问题。乘客对交通服务中出现的时间延误,公交故障及服务项目的减少以及票价的上涨表示不满。所有这些理由加之汽油价格还没有达到无人敢问津的程度,因此公交乘客数量已经下降,这使得公交部门的赤字问题更加严峻。

  Which of the following statements about the relationship between the number of riders using public transportation and the price of gasoline is best supported by the passage above?

  As the price of gasoline rises, the number of riders using public transportation rises.

  Even if the price of gasoline rises, the numbers of riders using public transportation will continue to decline.

  If the price of gasoline rises to a prohibitive level, the number of riders using public transportation will rise.

  The majority of riders using public transportation do not use gasoline; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation.

  The price of gasoline is always low enough to make private transportation cheaper than public transportation; hence, fluctuations in gasoline prices are unlikely to affect the number of riders using public transportation


  A1=delays and breakdowns (公交晚点及公交故障)

  A2=cuts in services(公交服务项目的减少)

  A3=fares higher than they are accustomed to paying(票价高出原来乘客已经适应的价格)

  A4=the price of gasoline is still not prohibitive(汽油价格还没有达到无人敢问津的程度)

  B=the number of passengers using public transportation has fallen(公交乘客数量已经下降)




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