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The population of peregrine falcons declined rapidly during the 1950’s and 1960’s and reached an all-time low in the early 1970’s. The decline was attributed by scientists to the widespread use of the pesticide DDT in rural areas
Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the scientists’ claim?
(A) DDT was not generally in use in areas devoted to heavy industry
(B) In the time since the use of DDT was banned in 1972, the population of peregrine falcons has been steadily increasing
(C) Peregrine falcons, like other birds of prey, abandon eggs that have fallen out of the nest, even if the eggs remain intact
(D) Starlings, house sparrows, and blue jays-birds the peregrine falcon preys on were not adversely affected by DDT in their habitats
(E) Other birds of prey, such as the osprey, the bald eagle, and the brown pelican, are found in the same areas as is the peregrine falcon.
题干是由果推因,游隼数量下降由使用杀虫剂(DDT)所致,我们不妨将“游隼数量下降”视为B, 而将“使用DDT”视为A, 如果由B→A正确,那么我们就可以得出没有A就不会存在现在的B,因此我们就可以推断两种情况,DDT禁用前与DDT禁用后游隼在数量上的比较,如果在 DDT禁用后,游隼数量开始增加的话,那么我们就会非常肯定的是确实是杀虫剂的使用导致了游隼数量的减少。这种类型的题目出错的主要原因有两点:一:考生无法把握题干要求,在段落内容之外进行推理;二:无法将题干给出的原因视做唯一原因。
考生应能在平时的不断练习的过程中,学习找出论点和结论的能力,并依据两者的关系进行判断,只要弄清论点和结论也就相当于找出了答案。在实践练习中,考生也应善于从题干所描述的对象中找出核心关键词语,一般来讲,我们可以通过在选项中加入Not 来判断推理成立的有效性并排除那些误选项。
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲