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In the given argument, the author concludes that …. .To bolster this conclusion, the author points out that… and that… Although the whole argument appears to be valid at first glance, further analysis reveals that the judgment is based on some dubious assumptions and that the reasoning is questionable since the evidence cited is misleading.


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To sum up, this argument is not as persuasive as it stands. To make the argument more logically acceptable, the author should offer/ provide evidence that … In addition, concrete evidence demonstrating that… is needed to solidify the conclusion. Only with more convincing evidence could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.

  solidify [s?&aposlidifai] vt. 团结;凝固 vi. 团结;凝固

  结论句替换Therore, any decision aimed at addressing the problem of must be based on more thorough investigation to gather sufficient data in order to narrow down and locate the actual causes of the problem

  括号内的替换 :


  we are not informed whether responses are anonymous or even confidential. If not, then respondents might have provided what they believe their superiors would approve of, regardless of whether the responses were truthful.


  When samples are used to make general claims about a particular group, the samples should be close enough in time to the generalization they are used to support, so that historical changes will not invalidate the generalization. The less recent the survey, the less reliable the results to indicate current situation of A.


  Respondents may not be representative of A as a whole. People who are interested in the survey may be more likely than others to complete and return their questionnaires. As a result, the example cited, while suggestive of the trends, is insufficient to warrant the truth because there is no evidence that data drawn from this sample is representative of the entire A.


  To begin with, we must establish the meaning of / clarify the extent of the A. If this concept only concerns with …, the evidence cited would strongly support the argument. However, A involves many issues, such as B, C and D. Accordingly, the author has drawn the conclusion too hastily with the ignorance of other factors that A concerns. As a result, the conclusion becomes much less valid, since the evidence is insufficient to justify that...


  Moreover, the author fails to consider further impacts that the decision may bring about. In this case, it means that … To speak explicitly, … If this is the case, the claim/decision that … would lose it ground and thus become infeasible.


  The author turns on the dubious assumption that… can… without sacrificing the… The argument fails to consider the project might bring not only benits but also harm to… in the meantime, and therore fails to weigh such benits against the lost. Lacking a complete analysis of the situation, the author cannot draw any further conclusion about the…


  The author’s conclusion that… is unwarranted. As we all know, profit is a factor of both revenue and cost. It is entirely possible that the additional revenue of the project cannot completely cover the cost. Besides, a bunch of other possible occurrences, such as… might also prevent the project from being as profitable as the author predicts.

  Paragraph structure identifiers.标识符

  First of all, first and foremost, to begin with, in the first/second/third/fourth place, the first and also the most glaring logic fallacy committed by the author is/

  Even if I were to concede that/Even if it were the case that…, the author still commits a fallacy of….

  Secondly, Furthermore,…Besides, Last but not least,

  Replaceable verbs

  Concludes that /reaches the conclusion that /advocates that /claims that /asserts that /alleges that

  Suggests that/ recommends that

  Predicts that/ anticipates that/ expects that

  Argues that/ claims that/ assumes that/ asserts that/ alleges that/ reasons that

  Provides/ cites/ points out/ presents

  Survey/poll/ statistics/ study/ statistical evidence

  Author/ arguer/ the owner of/ the loan applicant …

  Support/strengthen/enhance/ bolster/ uphold/ fortify/ corroborate

  Unconvincing/ unwarranted/ unreliable/ untenable/ unfounded/ groundless/ questionable/ problematic/ indensible/ ambiguous/ flawed/ fraught.







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