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GMAT满分作文,尤其是GMAT官网的GMAT满分作文,能为考生们提供有价值的参考。考生们可以通过GMAT满分作文,学习GMAT满分作文的写作思路,进而运用到自己的作文当中。其实,GMAT满分作文值得借鉴的东西还有很多。下面就来看看如何写作满分gmat作文。更多相关问题可咨询澳际留学在线专家,如果有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。   每段开头:   1. The major problem with this argument is that -------   2. Another flaw worth discussing is that(the assumption that----)   3. Finally it is necessary to point out -(several other minor flaws that might undermine the argument----)   证据可疑:questionable   4. Another assumption short of legitimacy is that ----(unfounded/groundless/doubtful/unconvincing)   5. The argument is based on the assumption that--------   6. The reason that ----is open to doubt (persuasive)--should be deleted?   7. The arguer commits a fallacy of the question in assaying(?) that--------   Ending:   8. In conclusion the arguer fails to validate/(establish) the claim----   9. To solidify the argument, the arguer should provide more concrete information to demonstrate that-----------   通过上面对gmat作文的开头写作的技巧介绍,相信对于很多计划参加gmat考试的人来说,可以积累经验与资料,准备为自己的gmat满分作文做好备考素材。
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