


2017/08/11 11:35:48 编辑: 浏览次数:273 移动端


  “A company&aposs long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company&aposs employees.”

  这道题讨论的是“企业长期成功”(a company&aposs long-term success)与“工作满意度及工作稳定度”(job satisfaction and job security)之间的关系。相对应的补集概念为“企业长期失败”与“工作不满意及工作不稳定”。那么,在以上所叙述的四个集合之间展开的讨论,都是属于紧扣题意的。


  I agree that business success is more likely when employees feel satisfied with their jobs. Employees who dislike the workplace or their jobs are not likely to reach their potential performance levels; they may tend to arrive late for work, perform their tasks in an unimaginative and sluggish manner, or take excessive sick leaves. Nevertheless, a firm&aposs long-term success may equally result from other factors such as finding a market niche for products, securing a reputation for quality products and services, or forming a synergistic alliance with a competitor. This list hardly exhausts all the factors that can contribute to a firm&aposs ultimate success, and no none of them—including job satisfaction—is pivotal in every case.



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