


2017/08/11 10:14:43 编辑: 浏览次数:406 移动端


  GMAT考试中的GMAT写作部分有一个精彩的开头会给整篇文增光添彩,考生需要整理一些精彩“GMAT 写作”开头句子,澳际小编整理了一些作文模板供考生背记使用。


  1. The major problem with this argument is that -------

  2. Another flaw worth discussing is that(the assumption that----)

  3. Finally it is necessary to point out -(several other minor flaws that might undermine the argument----)

  GMAT 写作证据可疑:questionable

  4. Another assumption short of legitimacy is that ----(unfounded/groundless/doubtful/unconvincing)

  5. The argument is based on the assumption that--------

  6. The reason that ----is open to doubt (persuasive)--should be deleted?

  7. The arguer commits a fallacy of the question in assaying(?) that--------


  8. In conclusion the arguer fails to validate/(establish) the claim----

  9. To solidify the argument, the arguer should provide more concrete information to demonstrate that-----------

  以上就是澳际小编整理的GMAT写作中的精彩开头,在GMAT考试中除了用精彩的句子开头之外,还要注意GMAT 写作的主题内容与开头句子是否合适。熟记这些句子的目的不仅是为了应对考试,在以后的引文写作中也有很大的用处,希望考生在这里整理的内容能帮助考生写出高分作文。

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