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  举个例子吧,40=2*2*2*5,即2的三次方乘以5,3就是2-height 的值,再如12=2*2*3,即2的二次方乘以3,所以2就是2-height 的值。

  总的来说,就是把一个GMAT数学整数分解成质数的乘积,其中2的幂就是2-height 的值。

  10、For all x, x is positive integer, "2-height" is dined

  to be the greatest nonnegative n of x, what is the

  greatest number of 2-height when 2" is the factor of x?

  A. 2

  B. 12

  C. 40

  D. 76

  E. 90

  Answer: (by Anchoret)

  A. 2=2^1

  B. 12=2^2*3

  C. 40=2^3*5

  D. 76=19*2^2

  E. 90=45*2^1

  B is the answer.

  1. X is a positive integer. 2-height of X is dined as the greatest negative integer n where 2^n is a factor of X. K and M are two positive integers. Whether 2-height of K is greater than 2-height of M?

  a. K is greater than M

  b. K is even times of M

  (Key: B)

  (by rosemsem)

  题义解析:GMAT考试说对于含2的n次方的数, 2-height 指的是n的值。问k和m谁的2-height大?

  (1) K>M

  (2) K除以M是偶数.

  (please notice K,k; M,m; e)

  K = a* 2^k;

  M = b* 2^m;

  (1) k>m, means nothing.

  (2) k/m= (a/b) * (2^k/2^m) = 2^e;

  A, b must be odd number, or you can extract at least one more 2, which gonna change k or m. So in this case, (a/b) must be 1, otherwise it would be a fraction.

  In a word, k-m=e. K>m.

  B is sufficient.GMAT入门的同学要了解一下。


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