


2017/08/11 03:22:35 编辑: 浏览次数:301 移动端


  Historians have identified two dominant currents in the Russian women&aposs movement of the late tsarist period. "Bourgeois" feminism, so called by its more radical opponents, emphasized "individualist" feminist goals such as access to education, career opportunities, and legal equality. "Socialist" feminists, by contrast, emphasized class, rather than gender, as the principal source of women&aposs inequality and oppression, and socialist revolution, not legal rorm, as the only road to emancipation and equality.

  However, despite antagonism between bourgeois feminists and socialist feminists, the two movements shared certain underlying belis. Both regarded paid labor as the principal means by which women might attain emancipation: participation in the workplace and economic self-sufficiency, they believed, would make women socially usul and therore deserving of equality with men. Both groups also recognized the enormous difficulties women faced when they combined paid labor with motherhood. In fact, at the First All-Russian Women&aposs Congress in 1908, most participants advocated maternity insurance and paid maternity leave, although the intense hostility between some socialists and bourgeois feminists at the Congress made it difficult for them to recognize these areas of agreement. Finally, socialist feminists and most bourgeois feminists concurred in subordinating women&aposs emancipation to what they considered the more important goal of liberating the entire Russian population from political oppression, economic backwardness, and social injustice.


  Question #14. 118-03 (21871-!-item-!-188;#058&000118-03)

  The passage suggests that socialists within the Russian women&aposs movement and most bourgeois feminists believed that in Russia

  (A) women would not achieve economic equality until they had political representation within the government

  (B) the achievement of larger political aims should take precedence over the achievement of women&aposs rights

  (C) the emancipation of women would ultimately bring about the liberation of the entire Russian population from political oppression

  (D) women&aposs oppression was more rooted in economic inequality than was the case in other countries

  (E) the women&aposs movement was more ideologically divided than were women&aposs movements in other countries

  问的是这两种人观点的相同点并且这个相同点必须围绕俄国谈,根据文章脉络关系我们知道考的应该是第二段内容,而第二段所谈的相似之处围绕俄国谈的应该是最后两个相同点Both groups also recognized the enormous difficulties women faced when they combined paid labor with motherhood. In fact, at the First All-Russian Women&aposs Congress in 1908, most participants advocated maternity insurance and paid maternity leave, although the intense hostility between some socialists and bourgeois feminists at the Congress made it difficult for them to recognize these areas of agreement. Finally, socialist feminists and most bourgeois feminists concurred in subordinating women&aposs emancipation to what they considered the more important goal of liberating the entire Russian population from political oppression, economic backwardness, and social injustice.这些句子大概说这两种人都意识到当把labor联系到motherhood的时候都面临一些困难。这两种人也都认为把俄国人从政治压迫,经济困境和社会不公中解放出来。我们来看一下选项。

  A 女性知道在政府有一席之地之后才能达到经济的平等,没提,杀

  B 达到更大的政治目标优先于达到实现女性的权利,和文章政治压迫这些内容有点关系,留着


  D oppression植根于经济不平等,没提,杀

  E 女性运动更加ideologically divided,每说,杀


  Question #15. 118-05 (21917-!-item-!-188;#058&000118-05)

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  (A) identifying points of agreement between two groups

  (B) advocating one approach to social rorm over another

  (C) contrasting two approaches to solving a political problem

  (D) arguing that the views espoused by one political group were more radical than those espoused by another group

  (E) criticizing historians for overlooking similarities between the views espoused by two superficially dissimilar groups


  A 两种人的一些相同之处,和文章第二段有点关系,留着

  B 支持了一种社会改革的方法,没说,杀



  E 批评历史学家忽略了这两种人的相似性,文章确实说过相似性,但没有批评历史学家,明显是一个主观答案,杀

  Question #16. 118-06 (21963-!-item-!-188;#058&000118-06)

  According to the passage, Russian socialists within the women&aposs movement and most bourgeois feminists disagreed about which of the following?

  (A) Whether legal rorm was central to the achievement of feminist goals

  (B) Whether paid employment was important for the achievement of equality

  (C) Whether maternity insurance was desirable for working mothers

  (D) Whether working mothers faced obstacles

  (E) Whether women&aposs emancipation should be subordinated to the liberation of the Russian population

  问这两种人的不同之处,显然考的在第一段,不同应该在第一段by contrast这块说出来的,我们读一下这句话,说的是大概阶级,性别以及法律对于实现女性平等哪个更重要。我们看选项

  A 说过法律问题,先留

  B paid employment对于实现平等更重要,没提,杀

  C maternity insurance对于working mothers更理想,没提,杀

  D working mothers遇到了困难,没提,杀

  E 说 women&aposs emancipation和解放俄国人,没提,杀








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