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  3. The passage suggests that the lack ofan observed decline in the fecundity of the creeping dogwood strengthens theresearchers conclusions regarding pesticide use because the

  (A) creeping dogwood is a species that does not resemble otherforest plants

  (B) creeping dogwood is a species pollinated by a broader rangeof insect species than are most dogwood species

  (C) creeping dogwood grows primarily in regions that were notsprayed with pesticide, and so served as a control for the experiment

  (D) creeping dogwood is similar to the red-osier dogwood, but itsinsect pollinators are known to be insensitive to the pesticide used in thestudy***********

  (E) geographical range of the creeping dogwood is similar tothat of the red-osier dogwood, but the latter species relies less on seeds forreproduction

  4. The passage suggests that which of thollowing is true of the forest regions in


  sprayed with mostanti-budworm pesticides other than Matacil?(可定位的细节题)

  (A) The fecundity of some flowering plants in those regions may havedecreased to an even greater degree than in the regions where Matacil is used.**************

  (M是least toxic的spraying,通过studyM’s fect found fecundity受影响和未受影响的species,结论:授粉者容易受到pesticide影响的会减少植物多样性)。

  (B) Insect mortality in those regions occurs mostly among thelarger species of insects, such as bumblebees.

  (C) The number of seeds produced by common plant species inthose regions is probably comparable to the number produced where Matacil is sprayed.(seed是第三段提到的内容,第二段还没有出现,排除)

  (D) Many more plant species have become extinct in those regionsthan in the regions where Matacil is used.

  (E) The spruce budworm is under better control in those regionsthan in the regions where Matacil is sprayed.

  5. It can be inferred that which of thollowing is true of plant fecundity as itis dined in the passage?(答案一般出现在这个词出现第一次的地方)*

  (A) A plant’s fecundity decreases as the percentage of unpollinatedflowers on the plant increases.(原文的论述也有percentage,要小心,比较关系叙述是否正确,比较关系容易出逻辑推理,一般是考点,此处是和原文表述同一个意思,但是时相反的论述)*************

  (B) A plant’s fecundity decreases as the number of flowersproduced by the plant decreases.

  (C) A plant’s fecundity increases as the number of flowersproduced by the plant increases.

  (D) A plant’s fecundity is usually low if the plant relies on asmall number of insect species for pollination.

  (E) A plant’s fecundity is high if the plant can reproducequickly by means of vegetative growth as well as by the production of seeds.

  6. It can be inferred from the passagethat which of the following plant species would be LEAST likely to experience adecrease in fecundity as a result of the spraying of a pesticide not directlytoxic to plants?

  (A) A flowering tree pollinated by only a few insect species

  (B) A kind of insect-pollinated vine producing few flowers

  (C) A wind-pollinated flowering tree that is short-lived**************

  (D) A flowering shrub pollinated by a large number of insectspecies

  (E) A type of wildflower typically pollinated by larger insects

  7. Which of the following assumptionsmost probably underlies the author’s tentative recommendation in lines51-54?

  (A) Human activities that result in environmental disruption shouldbe abandoned.

  (B) The use of pesticides is likely to continue into the future.************

  (C) It is economically benicial to preserve endangered plantspecies.

  (D) Preventing the endangerment of a species is less costly thantrying to save an already endangered one.

  (E) Conservation forts aimed at preserving a few well-chosenspecies are more cost-fective than are broader-based forts to improve theenvironment.








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