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  第一段:开篇第一句是:Predatory pricing的战略,(这里用逗号或破折号插入,用同位语的形式补充了一下这个战略的定义,就是故意压低价格敢走竞争对手),是不怎么好的(原话大意是对压迫者本身的坏处比对victim的坏处更大)。原因是价格战要成功的因素在于(列举两个factor,句子都较长),包括1. 要本来市场份额就比较大,这样它降价才有影响力,2. 有足够的产能capacity来生产,3. 能够以低于成本的价格。最后一句好像总结这样会有损失,强调负面作用。(后面考到了第一段的结构,详见后。)

  第二段:但是,也有人argue如果这些企业有deep pocket(口袋深,意指钱多实力强),也就是这些企业有其它盈利的部门可以补贴这个压价的部分。但是(转折),上述这个证据不relevant(考到,问这个不relevant是什么意思)。后面解释,因为这种补贴也应当以长期能够盈利为条件。递进,如果长期不能盈利,如果存在outsider financing 外部资金的提供者,这些外部的人也可以转而支持被迫害者victim,如果他们认为这种受害的情况是暂时的话。(最后一句比较绕,不要像我这样浪费时间看。)


  依据别人也许没有我这个版本完善的JJ,我查了Wikipedia什么是predatory pricing,你会读到:

  Concept: In the short term predatory pricing through sharp discounting reduces profit margins, as would a price war, and will cause profits to fall. Competitors who are not as financially stable or strong may suffer even greater loss of revenue or reduced profits. After the weaker competitors are driven out, the surviving business can raise prices above competitive levels (to supra competitive pricing). The predator hopes to generate revenues and profits in the future that will more than offset the losses it incurred during the predatory pricing period.

  In essence, the predator undergoes short-term pain for long-term gain. Therore, for the predator to succeed, it must have sufficient strength (financial reserves, guaranteed backing or other sources of offsetting revenue) to endure the initial lean period. There must be substantial barriers to entry for new competitors.

  But the strategy may fail if competitors are stronger than expected, or are driven out but replaced by others. In either case, this forces the predator to prolong or abandon the price reductions. The strategy may thus fail if the predator cannot endure the short-term losses, either because of it requiring longer than expected or simply because it did not estimate the loss well.

  So the predator should hope this strategy to succeed only when it is substantially stronger than its competitors and when barriers to entry are high. The barriers prevent new entrants to the market replacing others driven out, thereby allowing supra competitive pricing to prevail long enough to dwarf the initial loss.



  “宏观读懂”指把握文章结构与段内结构(每段讲什么,先讲什么,再讲什么,是否定前句?引出后句?证明上一个观点?反对上一个观点?进一步解释?补充?),适用于主题题、态度题、段落作用题、句子作用题。这个通过逻辑简图、我前面提到的“每句都Bold face一把”一定能练出来的。







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