


2017/08/11 02:42:03 编辑: 浏览次数:196 移动端




  1. Questions that ask about the main idea of a passage

  Each reading comprehension passage in the GMAT is a unified whole—that is, the individual sentences and paragraphs support and develop one main idea or central point. Sometimes you will be told the central point in the passage itself, and sometimes it will be necessary for you to determine the central point from the overall organization or development of the passage. You may be asked in this kind of question to recognize a correct restatement, or paraphrase, of the main idea of the passage; or to identify the author’s primary purpose, or objective, in writing the passage; or to assign a title that summarizes brily and pointedly the main idea developed in the passage.

  1. 关于文章的中心思想(主题题)


  2. Questions that ask about the supporting ideas presented in a passage

  These questions measure your ability to comprehend the supporting ideas in a passage and to differentiate those supporting ideas from the main idea. The question also measure your ability to differentiate ideas that are explicitly stated in a passage from ideas that are implied by the author but are not explicitly stated. You may be asked about facts cited in a passage, or about the specific content of arguments presented by the author in support of his or her views, or about descriptive details used to support or elaborate on the main idea. Whereas questions about the main idea ask you to determine the meaning of a passage as a whole, questions about supporting ideas ask you to determine the meanings of individual sentences and paragraphs that contribute to the meaning of the passage as a whole. One way to think about these questions is to see them as questions asking for the main point of one small part of the passage.

  2. 关于文中的论点(观点题)





  3. Questions that ask for inferences based on information presented in a passage

  These questions ask about ideas that are not explicitly stated in a passage but are strongly implied by the author. Unlike questions about supporting details, which ask about information that is directly stated in a passage, inference questions ask about ideas or meanings that must be inferred from information that is directly stated. Authors can make their points in indirect ways, suggesting ideas without actually stating them. These questions measure you ability to infer an author’s intended meaning in parts of a passage where the meaning is only suggested. The questions do not ask about meanings or implications that are remote from the passage but about meanings that are developed indirectly or implications specifically suggested by the author. To answer these questions, you may have to carry statements made by the author one step beyond their literal meanings, or recognize the opposite of a statement made by the author, or identify the intended meaning of a word used figuratively in a passage. If a passage explicitly states an fect, for example, you may be asked to infer its cause. If the author compares two phenomena, you may be asked to infer the basis for the comparison. You may be asked to infer the characteristics of an old policy from an explicit description of a new one. When you read a passage., therore, you should concentrate not only on the explicit meaning of the author’s words, but also on the more subtle meaning implied by those words.








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