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  例:Ironically, it wasHandsomeLakewho can be credited with reviving the Iroquois culture.Lake, the alcoholic half-brother of Seneca Cornplanter, perhaps the most outspoken proponent among the Iroquois for assimilation of white customs and institutions, was a former member of the Great Council of Iroquois nations. Inspired by a near-death vision in 1799, Lake established a new religion among the Iroquois which tied the more usul aspects of Christianity to traditional Indian belis and customs.

  Among the following reasons, it is most likely that the author considers Handsome Lake’s leading a revival of the Iroquois culture to be“ironic”because

  (A) he was a former member of the Great Council

  (B) he was not a full-blooded relative of Seneca Cornplanter

  (C) he was related by blood to a chi proponent of assimilation

  (D) Seneca Cornplanter wasLake’s alcoholic half-brother

  (E) His religious belis conflicted with traditional Iroquois belis.

  在文章,作者使用“Ironically”作为段落的开头,而该题目针对这“Ironically”进行发问,透过文章,我们可以知道“Cornplanter was an outspoken proponent of assimilation and that Handsome Lake was related to Cornplanter as a half-brother.”既然Cornplanter是吸收白人文化及制度的积极倡导者和支持着,而Handsome Lake与Cornplanter是half-brother的关系,因此,只能说有关”Lake was responsible fro the Iroquois reasserting their national identity”这个事实是具有讽刺意味的。


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