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  GMAT阅读考试中经常会出现“朱莉效应”这种题材的文章, 那么在GMAT阅读试题中的“朱莉效应”又是什么意思呢?下面小编就详细为大家介绍一下相关内容,希望对大家以后的GMAT考试备考有一定的帮助。

  Angelina Jolie Pitt's decision to have her ovaries surgically removed, which the actress and director detailed in The New York Times on 24 March, was justified by her family history of breast and ovarian cancer as well as the discovery that she carries a gene mutation known to strongly increase risk for these diseases. Her story is expected to inspire other women to seek out genetic testing for cancer — but some will find themselves in a much less clear-cut situation.

  After Jolie Pitt disclosed in 2013 that she carries a risk-increasing mutation in the gene BRCA1 and had undergone a preventive double mastectomy, researchers documented a surge in demand for genetic testing. They called it the “Angelina Jolie Effect”1. But not everyone who pursues genetic testing comes away with a dinite course of action.

  Thousands of possible mutations in BRCA1 and the related gene BRCA2 elevate a woman’s risk of developing cancer. But it is impossible to say whether many of these mutations predispose someone to cancer, because researchers simply have not seen them enough to know their fects with statistical certainty….


  ovaries:卵巢,子房 mutation:突变,变化

  mastectomy:乳房切除术 predispose:预先处置,使…偏向于

  statistical:统计的,统计学的 variant:变体,变种,多样的

  geneticist:遗传学者 finger-pointing:相互指责,转嫁责任


  长难句解析:But it is impossible to say whether many of these mutations predispose someone to cancer, because researchers simply have not seen them enough to know their fects with statistical certainty.

  It 做形式主语,真正的主语是to引导的不定式to say whether many of these mutations…,后面because引导原因状语从句,对前面句子进行解释说明。

  文章一开始即讲述安吉丽娜?朱莉?皮特在遗传检测后选择预防性手术。安吉丽娜?朱莉?皮特决定接受卵巢切除手术这一事件,详细情况在3月24日的纽约时报上进行了刊登。由她的家人有乳腺癌和卵巢癌的历史,以及她携带已知的基因突变的大大增加了罹患这种疾病的风险。她的故事有望激发其他妇女寻求基因检测癌症 - 但有些人会发现自己处在一个不甚明确的状态。




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