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101. Order a to do b ( q121) order that x do ( q218)
102. Rule that … (q130)/ restitution … for … ( q130)
103. Mandate that do (q145)… ( wrong: mandate a to do b)
104. Demand that xxx do ( wrong: demanding/demand it to ) ( q 142)
105. Wong: after when ( q124)
106. Comparison: like + noun / as + subordinate clause (q126) ( as + noun is not a comparison, as + subordinate clause is a comparison W131)
107. Substitute a for b (q127)
108. Their wine is priced to sell, and they do (q 129)
109. Equivalent/ equal ( modify uncountable); as many as ( modify countable) – ( q132)
110. Family in which only husband is employed(q137)
111. values are xxxx ( q140)
112. Accusing a doctor of malpractice (q146)
113. Wrong: lack of some other doctor (q146)
114. Wong: if + will ( Q146)
115. Mistake a for b ( q150)
116. Connection between ( q151)
117. Vast numbers of people ( q152)
118. More than 500 people that… more than the 500 people that ( Q154) !!
119. Dirt road cost as much twice to maintain as paved road do ( q156)
120. The rate of increase is nearly twice what it was in 1970 (w231)
121. Account for 5% of the world’s population, USA citizens ( q158)
122. Child under four years of age (q162)
123. 49% of household incomes are(q165)
124. a community where xxx ( q165)
125. not…but rather…(q166)
126. mere 3% of the cell’ dna ( q176)
127. wrong: xxx in their performing of job (q178)
128. we see them as they were during the formation ( q180)
129. keep it from doing ( q183)
130. lead to (q185)
131. 5% increase in delay ( wrong: 5% more delay) (q185)
132. occurred when they were children (q1)/ died in child hood (q188) (wrong: died as child)
133. xxx is in the rise of a and in the victory of b ( q190)
134. one of whom is blind ( q194)
135. the only one of 48 states where there is … and where… ( q225)
136. target at (q195); aim at /policy aimed at doing ( q212)
137. the aim of xxx is to do (w385)
138. rules that aim to do… (469)
139. power enabling it to withdraw from public ( q222) – (wrong: power for it to withdraw…)
140. supply for campaign ( q198)
141. since --- have done ; from --- to --- did (q202)
142. partly to do … partly because ( q204)
143. spawned by … and extending for … ( q210)
144. what is much more difficult to determine is … (Q211)
145. the term rer to someone who is ( q214)
146. doing so would xxx (q215)
147. rivalry between x and y/rivals x and y ( q217) (wrong: rivalry x against y)
148. a rival b for sth (w307)
149. cost associated with a is prohibitive ( q219/w368))
150. who major in such areas as finance ( q223)
101. Order a to do b ( q121) order that x do ( q218)
102. Rule that … (q130)/ restitution … for … ( q130)
103. Mandate that do (q145)… ( wrong: mandate a to do b)
104. Demand that xxx do ( wrong: demanding/demand it to ) ( q 142)
105. Wong: after when ( q124)
106. Comparison: like + noun / as + subordinate clause (q126) ( as + noun is not a comparison, as + subordinate clause is a comparison W131)
107. Substitute a for b (q127)
108. Their wine is priced to sell, and they do (q 129)
109. Equivalent/ equal ( modify uncountable); as many as ( modify countable) – ( q132)
110. Family in which only husband is employed(q137)
111. values are xxxx ( q140)
112. Accusing a doctor of malpractice (q146)
113. Wrong: lack of some other doctor (q146)
114. Wong: if + will ( Q146)
115. Mistake a for b ( q150)
116. Connection between ( q151)
117. Vast numbers of people ( q152)
118. More than 500 people that… more than the 500 people that ( Q154) !!
119. Dirt road cost as much twice to maintain as paved road do ( q156)
120. The rate of increase is nearly twice what it was in 1970 (w231)
121. Account for 5% of the world’s population, USA citizens ( q158)
122. Child under four years of age (q162)
123. 49% of household incomes are(q165)
124. a community where xxx ( q165)
125. not…but rather…(q166) 上12下
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲