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1.Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benits.
(A)Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last Ju1y,the railroad employee are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benits.
(B)Added to increase in hour1y wages which had been requested last July,the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benits.
(C)The railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benits added to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July.
(D)In addition to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July, the railroad employees retirement benits.
(E)In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benits.
2.Child prodigies are marked not so much by their skills but instead by the fact that these skills are fully developed at a very early age.
(A) but instead
(B) rather than
(C) than
(D) as
(E) so much as
3. The department dines a private passenger vehicle as one registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.
(A)as one registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.
(B)to be one that is registered to an individual with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.
(C)as one that is registered to an individual and that has a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds.
(D)to have a gross weight less than8,000 pounds and being registered to an individual
(E)as having a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds and registered to an individual
4.Urban officials want the census to be as accurate and complete as possible for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect the distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.
(A)for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect
(B)for the reason because the amount of low-income people in a given area fects
(C)in that the amount of low-income people in given areas fect
(D)because the number of low-income people in a given area area affects
(E)because the numbers of low-income people in given areas fects
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲