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  1、there be 句型:表示自然存在的状态。

  There be sth. done 永远错

  There is + 动词性名词(eg there is a recovery)多半错 要改成n.+v.的形式

  2、表示动作的目的用 to do; 而不是for doing, 但不排除某些动词的固定搭配;

  其中 to 其实是 in order to 的意思;


  eg1……the company has become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales it would [in the past] have conceded to rivals.


  这里的 in the past 做状语修饰 would have conceded

  其中有一项错误选项是: it would have conceded to rivals [in the past] ; 改变了状语的位置放在rivals之后,语法上既可以作定语修饰rivals,也可以做状语修饰conceded,GMAC认为这是有修饰歧义的~

  eg2 Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge [over the past twenty years] about brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are…… OG12-21

  这里的 over the past twenty years 做状语修饰 having amassed ; 有筒子可能会问 为什么不是修饰knowledge呢 因为over the past twenty years 修饰完成时态 是更优先的~


  其中有一个错误选项 having amassed a wealth of knowledge about brain and its development from birth to adulthood [over the past twenty years] ; 改变了状语的位置放在adulthood之后 appears to be modifying adulthood ;

  有筒子可能会问 上一条刚说 优先修饰 have done 为什么在这里就可以修饰 adulthood? 我想解释有以下两条: 第一, 状语结构离所要修饰的对象太远了 也就是GMAT常说的 修饰结构要紧跟所要修饰的对象,这条规律适用于定语从句,v-ed分词作定语修饰, v-ing做伴随状语修饰; 第二,一条铁规律是 一般原句中的状语位置不可随意变动, 特别是变动以后放到了一个名词或代词之后, 一般就会出现修饰歧义, 这也是GMAT的常考点之一。

  4、V-ing形式可以用作名词(如:running is her favorite sport ); 但sb’s v-ing 形式通常是不正确的; 但sb’s + 动词性名词 + prep. 是可以的 (如: his translation of XXX)

  5、The + 动名词 + of + n. 结构很wordy, 不如 n. + v.


  …the beginning of the Universe was an explosive instant… 就不如 the universe began in an explosive instant…; 值得注意的是 一切还是要以句子的逻辑大意为最基本的依据~

  6、 常出现enough 和 so…that / such…that / as much as 等混乱搭配使用 绝对秒杀; enough to do 表示主观满足,在标准书面语中很少使用。

  7、 法规法令的内容通常用v-ing分词表示其延续性和效力,如 the law / directive(指令) / agreement 等 。

  8、 being 结构多余问题总结:

  ① 放在n.后与v-ed连用作后置定语时 eg the time being required to resemble…

  ② Sb’s being v-ed + prep. eg Executive’s being heavily committed…

  ③ 独立主格结构中(OG12-110E) The owner and editor being two young journalists…. OG解释说: being introduces an award construction. 独立主格的分词成分是being或having been 常常省略

  ④ 在句首引导形容词短语对主句主语进行修饰时: Being less successful after she had emigrated to New York…. OG解释说:being is necessarily wordy and award.

  ⑤ 但我见过在with后面做助动词帮助形容词完成名词化特征的用法: with being dangerous 之类的 貌似是不算wordy的 筒子们在平时要多多注意自己积累~

  9、 like 不能表示举例; 只能用such as 代替;

  10、 标准书面语中if 表示如果;whether表示是否 能跟在v. 和 prep. 后面引导名词性从句。

  11、 In some hypothetical situation, such as “To do sth, sb….” “the likelihood that….” “the possibility that… ” “expect that…” 谓语动词要用 would/will 引导

  12、 The fact of 多半错,应该用 the fact that

  13、 Having been done/ having done 作定语必然错

  14、 原句中出现情态动词,那么在最后的正确答案中必须有这个词或者类似语气的词。

  15、 V-ed分词作后置定语是最简洁的形式;to do作定语容易产生修饰名词或修饰整句的歧义。





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  16、 描述自然现象、统计数据、试验结论、客观事实的时候用一般现在时。

  17、 so that sb. could … 表示目的, 通常与 in order that / to…/ and so… / in order for sb. to 同时出现, so that sb. could 结构在没有其他语法错误情况下为最优选项

  18、 during/ within/ over/ in + the past/ last/ recent + 时间短语 用完成时态; XX years ago/ originally / from 1894 to 1899/ previously 等用过去时态; possibility/ likelihood that…., expect that.. 从句中用will/would do 表将来。

  19、 similar to/ different from/ due to 一般不放在句首

  20、 and also:用在表示列举时或固搭(between…and…/ both…and…)中是redundant的;而在其他一些情况中,表示强调是可以存在的。

  but instead: 当but做介词接n.时,instead多余,因为instead是副词不能修饰介词或者名词; 做连词接v.时,instead表示强调。


  eg  Mark was appointed to several tasks within Democratic party during his first term that included assistant majority whip and vice-chair of the Democratic Senatorial Committee.

  其中 that 引导限定性定语从句 语法上就近修饰term 造成逻辑意思错误。

  Mark was appointed to several tasks within Democratic party during his first term, which included assistant majority whip and vice-chair of the Democratic Senatorial Committee.

  其中 which 引导非限定性定语从句 语法上就近修饰 term 造成逻辑意思错误。

  Mark was appointed to several tasks within Democratic party during his first term including included assistant majority whip and vice-chair of the Democratic Senatorial Committee. 其中including引导分词结构做定语跳跃修饰tasks 这道题现在看来 也许GMAT认为 相比两个定语紧跟修饰的名词或代词而言 v-ing做分词修饰可以不那么严格

  22、比较级要和than搭配,而不是compared to/ as compared with等, 常见的就是把这个结构拉的很开 读到后面都忘了前面有比较级 筒子们看见less more 之类的一定要加强印象。


  eg1  In 1988, the Council on Economic Priorities began publishing Shopping for a Better World, with the simple thesis of consumers having the power to change companies by the simple expedient of rusing to buy.

  句子的主语是 the Council on Economic Priorities, 而with引导的独立主格结构优先修饰句子的主语做伴随成分,而非做定语成分修饰Shopping for a Better World,造成句子意思表达错误 逻辑不清。 应该为whose thesis was simple: consumers have the power to change companies by the simple expedient of rusing to buy.

  Eg2 ……; their language is basically seventeenth-century French with English, Spanish, and Italian words having been added to it. (OG12-129)

  同理 with结构优先修饰 their language 而不是French, OG解释说:with doesn’t concisely modify the noun French; 应改为 to which E, S, and I words have been added.

  24、be able to 和 can 的区分主要看时态和对称; 将来时中只能用will be able to; 另外这两个结构是可以平行的~

  25、not only…but (also)… 是表示递进的连词;表示转折时用but/ but also。 千万不要看到not only 马上就想到 but also,一定要以句子的合理逻辑含义为依据。

  ①  正常语序中but also不可被主语和住动词拆开(but they also do…); 但当not only 在句首时,but also 可被拆开。

  Eg  In 1978 a national study found that not only had many contractors licensed by a self-policing private guild failed to pass qualifying exams, but they had also falsified their rerences. 该句中 由that引导的宾语从句中not only在句首使从句倒装, 后面的but also 中插入了主语和助动词。

  ②  Not only… but also不可用于否定句子中

  They don’t fear not only hardship but also death. 错!

  应改为:They fear neither hardship nor death.


  ① unqualifying: not meeting some sort of standards for qualification. 未达标的;unqualified: without any sort of restriction or reservation. 毫无保留的。

  ② economic:经济的; economical:节约的。

  ③ considerate:体贴的; considerable:相当多的。

  ④ ficient at: 做某事有效率; ficient in: 在某方面节约成效高

  ⑤  mandate:命令; have a mandate:有选举权

  ⑥  native of:来自哪里; native to: 物种起源于哪里

  ⑦  known as: 很著名; be known to 被承认

  ⑧  aggravate:加重、恶化; aggravating: 令人愤怒的

  ⑨  rare: 稀少的、半生半熟的; rarely:稀少的

  ⑩  especially: 强调程度性 specially: 强调特殊性

  ⑪  ability:强调天生具备; capability:强调能做不能做





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  27、never只能就修饰完成时; yesterday/ in1879 to 1990等 用过去时。

  28、whether:引导宾语从句用whether, 加or not 是累赘的

  引导状语从句时,必须加or not


  ①  前提:句子的主语是状语从句的逻辑主语;省略的成分是 主语+be

  ②  形式:正确形式:表示时间/条件/转折/让步的连词(when/ while/ if/ unless/ although/ even though/ even if) + 形容词短语/v-ing短语/v-ed短语; ※错误形式:表示时间/条件/转折的连词 + 介词短语/名词短语(although just inside the orbit of Jupiter)

  ③  特殊情况:once可以加介词短语/名词短语; whatever可以加名词短语


  ①  S., v-ing, V.+O.结构;其中,v-ing既可作定语向前修饰S.,也可作状语向后修饰V.

  Eg  Scientists, having amassed important information about SARS, are now drawing the conclusion that…

  但为什么不说是修饰有歧义呢? 我的理解是, 如果说having…的结构做定语向前修饰scientists 此时就不能向后坐状语修饰 are drawing; 也就是说只一个时间做一种修饰成分~ 或者用NN的话来说,就看作修饰语就好了~

  ②  有一种情况不被允许:

  n., v-ing, S.+V.+O.

  Eg  Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

  这个句子中,having…结构做定语成分,既可以向前修饰pollutants,也可以向后修饰 a technique, 造成了修饰歧义。

  Eg  In her book illustration, carully coordinating them with her narratives, Beatrix Potter capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.

  同样,在这个句子中,carully coordinating既可以向前修饰illustration 也可以向后修饰Beatrix Potter, 造成了修饰歧义。






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  1、there be 句型:表示自然存在的状态。

  There be sth. done 永远错

  There is + 动词性名词(eg there is a recovery)多半错 要改成n.+v.的形式

  2、表示动作的目的用 to do; 而不是for doing, 但不排除某些动词的固定搭配;

  其中 to 其实是 in order to 的意思;


  eg1……the company has become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales it would [in the past] have conceded to rivals.


  这里的 in the past 做状语修饰 would have conceded

  其中有一项错误选项是: it would have conceded to rivals [in the past] ; 改变了状语的位置放在rivals之后,语法上既可以作定语修饰rivals,也可以做状语修饰conceded,GMAC认为这是有修饰歧义的~

  eg2 Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge [over the past twenty years] about brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are…… OG12-21

  这里的 over the past twenty years 做状语修饰 having amassed ; 有筒子可能会问 为什么不是修饰knowledge呢 因为over the past twenty years 修饰完成时态 是更优先的~


  其中有一个错误选项 having amassed a wealth of knowledge about brain and its development from birth to adulthood [over the past twenty years] ; 改变了状语的位置放在adulthood之后 appears to be modifying adulthood ;

  有筒子可能会问 上一条刚说 优先修饰 have done 为什么在这里就可以修饰 adulthood? 我想解释有以下两条: 第一, 状语结构离所要修饰的对象太远了 也就是GMAT常说的 修饰结构要紧跟所要修饰的对象,这条规律适用于定语从句,v-ed分词作定语修饰, v-ing做伴随状语修饰; 第二,一条铁规律是 一般原句中的状语位置不可随意变动, 特别是变动以后放到了一个名词或代词之后, 一般就会出现修饰歧义, 这也是GMAT的常考点之一。

  4、V-ing形式可以用作名词(如:running is her favorite sport ); 但sb’s v-ing 形式通常是不正确的; 但sb’s + 动词性名词 + prep. 是可以的 (如: his translation of XXX)

  5、The + 动名词 + of + n. 结构很wordy, 不如 n. + v.


  …the beginning of the Universe was an explosive instant… 就不如 the universe began in an explosive instant…; 值得注意的是 一切还是要以句子的逻辑大意为最基本的依据~

  6、 常出现enough 和 so…that / such…that / as much as 等混乱搭配使用 绝对秒杀; enough to do 表示主观满足,在标准书面语中很少使用。

  7、 法规法令的内容通常用v-ing分词表示其延续性和效力,如 the law / directive(指令) / agreement 等 。

  8、 being 结构多余问题总结:

  ① 放在n.后与v-ed连用作后置定语时 eg the time being required to resemble…

  ② Sb’s being v-ed + prep. eg Executive’s being heavily committed…

  ③ 独立主格结构中(OG12-110E) The owner and editor being two young journalists…. OG解释说: being introduces an award construction. 独立主格的分词成分是being或having been 常常省略

  ④ 在句首引导形容词短语对主句主语进行修饰时: Being less successful after she had emigrated to New York…. OG解释说:being is necessarily wordy and award.

  ⑤ 但我见过在with后面做助动词帮助形容词完成名词化特征的用法: with being dangerous 之类的 貌似是不算wordy的 筒子们在平时要多多注意自己积累~

  9、 like 不能表示举例; 只能用such as 代替;

  10、 标准书面语中if 表示如果;whether表示是否 能跟在v. 和 prep. 后面引导名词性从句。

  11、 In some hypothetical situation, such as “To do sth, sb….” “the likelihood that….” “the possibility that… ” “expect that…” 谓语动词要用 would/will 引导

  12、 The fact of 多半错,应该用 the fact that

  13、 Having been done/ having done 作定语必然错

  14、 原句中出现情态动词,那么在最后的正确答案中必须有这个词或者类似语气的词。

  15、 V-ed分词作后置定语是最简洁的形式;to do作定语容易产生修饰名词或修饰整句的歧义。





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