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  ①  不作核心词: a number of / numbers of + 复数名词+ 复数谓语,此时表示一定数量的XXX,


  ②  作核心词:

  ⅰ 被具体化为几个数字; New Jersey has one of the 5 highest numbers of reported cases of Lyme diseases in the Unite States.

  ⅱ 被具体化倾向不明显,表示一定数量; …..;It’s numbers are now five-times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s.

  ⅲ 固定搭配: in numbers/ in number 表示在数值方面的减小

  在句中作状语; eg

  decline/ downturn in number(s)

  ⅳ the number of + 复数名词 + 单数谓语

  ⅴ the number(s) of 表示标号、数字标识; eg The number of machine part A is 201.

  32、  Whereas引导从句时,要求和主句在成分上核心逻辑有对称;若有介词短语,那么介词短语的位置一般要求一致。

  Eg  In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies.

  33、  Like/unlike 后只加名词表示比较,不能加不定式短语、分词短语(like cooking with spices)、句子或者介词短语;

  如果要加这些成分,需要变Like/unlike为 whereas

  34、  副词的位置:even放在比较级前修饰(even better); ever放在住动词后(I have ever done…); only和first放在被强调成分之前; alone放在被强调成分之后。

  35、  两个不同层次,但在逻辑上有联系的句子,用分号(semicolon)连接最好。

  36、  嵌入式关系分句:有种关系成分(定语从句),即是先行项的后置修饰语(定语),


  Eg  The word wildlife fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human being’s burning of fossil fuels, will create haroc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats.

  ①  定语从句:a phenomenon that is caused by…

  ②  宾语从句:most scientists agree that the phenomenon is caused by…

  37、  not one of = none of +复数名词 +单数谓语

  38、  ones在比较句中不能指代people应用those

  eg  Only seven people have been killed by white shark, fewer than those killed by bee strings.

  39、  After having done sth. 不正确。 After 已经表示了 a sequence of a succession of events, 应替换成 after sth./ sb. have done 或者 after sth./sb. did 之类的从句形式。


  我考到了 = =)

  40、  which不能指代前面一句话,但in which case 就可以。





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  41、  独立主格结构、同位语结构、with引导非限定修饰的辨析:

  ①  独立主格结构:描述一种伴随状态,主句分句同时发生。

  ⅰ each型: 句子+复数名词结尾,each+ 介词短语/形容词短语/v-ed短语/v-ing短语。

  ⅱ n./pron. + 非谓语动词/形容词短语/介词短语/副词短语,做句子的状语。

  ⅲ with型,通常与which/that的定语从句同时出现; with +sb./sth. +非谓语动词/介词短语/形容词短语。

  ②  同位语:通常描述事物的具体内容、特征、是一种解释。

  ⅰ名词性同位语: N. + n. 如: John, my friend, is…

  N. + a/an n.


  John, a fantastic pianist…

  the + n., n. 如:

  The toxin chemical, DDT…

  ⅱ同位语从句: the theory/ evidence / beli/ principle/ issue + that…

  ⅲ概括性同位语:短语/句子, n. + that/ 非谓语

  ③  With sth. that 做非限定修饰成分

  42、  Which作非限定性定语从句引导,和同位语结构同时出现时,优选同位语结构。

  43、  Because/ since 等可接句子表示一个事件是另一个事件的原因,而due to/ because of/ owing to 等只接简单的名词,核心词是这些,不能表达复杂的事件原因。

  44、  Produce double/ a doubling of/ produce a doubling 必错;

  正确形式为: double the production of XXX

  45、  主谓宾全的比较不可省助动词,否则变成宾语的比较,产生歧义:

  如: I eat apple faster than you do. 我吃苹果比你吃快。√

  I eat apple faster than you.



  46、 Date at XXX years old

  Date to XXX years ago

  Date back 溯源到XXX时候

  Date of 接时间点(eg date of birth/death/ mariage)

  Date from 从某一时间开始

  47、 In an attempt to / to do 在句首要考虑逻辑主语

  48、 Nowhere…than…; any other places…than… 固定搭配

  49、 No sooner than…; hardly when…

  50、 Differences in…





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  51、 And可以放在插入语前不影响表达。

  52、 宾语从句的时态往往独立于主句。

  53、 In accordance with 后接


  According to: the basis of doing sth./或者是法律法规的具体内容

  54、  In the same way as 通常以平行结构出现

  Eg  Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to them in the same way as to established big businesses.

  55、  关于指代:

  ①  This不可裸奔,后面要接具体名词;但GWD曾经出现一例these指代合理的选项,原因是当these和they同时出现时,these可以优先指代附近的复数名词,而对they来说指代哪一个名词等级是一样的。

  ②  Which 只能指代前面出现过的名词,不能指代一句话,一般改为v-ing引导的结果状从或者同位语。

  ③  That指代的是核心名词,是一个词。通常 annual、 per capita 都包含在核心词内,虽然是修饰成分。值得注意的是,前面出现的是单数名词,则用that指代,但如果是复数名词,



  ④  It指代的可以是一个带修饰成分和核心名词的短语。

  ⑤  One指代同名异物的东西。

  56、 As well as 有重前轻后的意味; 如果在逻辑上判断是在同一层次的并列,用and连接。

  57、 With:使用有型工具: write with a pen / see with naked eyes

  By: 通过什么方法、手段: do sth. by doing sth. (若后面接n. 则不加冠词,eg by car)

  Through: 强调结果 : pass the exam through hard work

  58、 as 和 when 引导时间状语从句时,要表示伴随含义,as比when更合适; 其他情况下,基本没有差别。

  Eg As wind rose the noisy increased.

  59、 以下动词宾语用(should) do

  ① 表示建议:advocate/ advise/ move/ recommend that…(should) do…

  Sb. suggest/ propose that…(should) do… (若主语是物 则表示暗示 不用虚拟语气)

  ② 表命令: order/ decree/ mandate/ command/ demand/ direct that…(should) do…

  ③ 表要求: require/ request/ insist that…do…

  60、 With 有因为的意思: with John away there’s more room in the house.






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  ①  不作核心词: a number of / numbers of + 复数名词+ 复数谓语,此时表示一定数量的XXX,


  ②  作核心词:

  ⅰ 被具体化为几个数字; New Jersey has one of the 5 highest numbers of reported cases of Lyme diseases in the Unite States.

  ⅱ 被具体化倾向不明显,表示一定数量; …..;It’s numbers are now five-times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s.

  ⅲ 固定搭配: in numbers/ in number 表示在数值方面的减小

  在句中作状语; eg

  decline/ downturn in number(s)

  ⅳ the number of + 复数名词 + 单数谓语

  ⅴ the number(s) of 表示标号、数字标识; eg The number of machine part A is 201.

  32、  Whereas引导从句时,要求和主句在成分上核心逻辑有对称;若有介词短语,那么介词短语的位置一般要求一致。

  Eg  In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies.

  33、  Like/unlike 后只加名词表示比较,不能加不定式短语、分词短语(like cooking with spices)、句子或者介词短语;

  如果要加这些成分,需要变Like/unlike为 whereas

  34、  副词的位置:even放在比较级前修饰(even better); ever放在住动词后(I have ever done…); only和first放在被强调成分之前; alone放在被强调成分之后。

  35、  两个不同层次,但在逻辑上有联系的句子,用分号(semicolon)连接最好。

  36、  嵌入式关系分句:有种关系成分(定语从句),即是先行项的后置修饰语(定语),


  Eg  The word wildlife fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human being’s burning of fossil fuels, will create haroc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats.

  ①  定语从句:a phenomenon that is caused by…

  ②  宾语从句:most scientists agree that the phenomenon is caused by…

  37、  not one of = none of +复数名词 +单数谓语

  38、  ones在比较句中不能指代people应用those

  eg  Only seven people have been killed by white shark, fewer than those killed by bee strings.

  39、  After having done sth. 不正确。 After 已经表示了 a sequence of a succession of events, 应替换成 after sth./ sb. have done 或者 after sth./sb. did 之类的从句形式。


  我考到了 = =)

  40、  which不能指代前面一句话,但in which case 就可以。





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