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  25. but not vs rather than

  Example -

  Pucci is not a dog but a cat.

  Pucci is a cat rather than a dog - means Puci has chosen to be a dog rather than cat - sounds terrible

  I want a cat rather than a dog. - Shows prerence.

  26. resulting from vs as a result of

  We should use resulting when we want to describe a noun, e.g.:

  The fire resulting from the earthquake caused a lot of damage.

  In this sentence resulting tells us more about the fire.

  Now let‘s look at how to use as a result of.

  We should use as a result of when we want to establish a causal relationship between two things, e.g.:

  As a result of the fire, many people had to stay in temporary shelters.

  In this sentence, we are saying that the fire caused people to stay in temporary shelters.

  Example :

  The cheetah seems to be headed for extinction because, resulting from instensive inbreeding generations ago, the species has so little genetic variation that it is extremely vulnerable to environmental change.

  A) ....

  B) because, as a result of intensive inbreeding generations ago,

  27. compare to vs compare with

  compare to - use when two things are alike

  compare with - use when two things are not alike

  28. The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts in the value of the dollars, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our competitiveness.

  A. being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing

  B. worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the failure of our exports

  C. worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of our exports

  D. in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and also about the failure of our exports

  E. because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barriers, also concerning the failure of our exports

  Although C must be the right choice since it uses worried about idiomatically and does not have unnecessary wording, it is hard to understand how PRESENT perfect ("has formed") can be used with PAST simple ("worried about") in one sentence??? They are two different time planes !

  being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing - is supposed to be a phrase modifying the noun Current administration can be converted to Participle phrase worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of our exports

  Balancing a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-pack carton of soft drinks with another, twenty-three year-old Alan, paused in front of a first floor flat in the colony.

  A. Balancing a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-pack carton of soft drinks with another

  B. Having a balance of a pizza with one hand and gripping a six-pack of carton of soft drinks with the other

  C. Balancing a pizza with one hand and gripping a pack of six soft drink carton with the other

  D. Being balanced a pizza with one hand and gripping a six-pack carton of soft drinks with the another

  E. Having balanced a pizza with one hand and having gripped a six-pack carton of soft drinks with the other

  A and D - are wrong because of word another

  B - is wrong because of having a balance of pizza

  C - is worng because of pack of six soft drink carton vs a six-pack carton of soft drinks

  The rule to apply here is having + past participle

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