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  六、 语义重复

  1. in the past -- previously (7)

  2. attempt --- try (24)

  3. due to ---- with the result (33)

  4. enable ---- be able to (55)

  5. currently --- now (70)

  6. attributed --- the cause of (79)

  7. explained ---- because of (83)

  8. even though --- but (98)

  9. although --- yet (100)

  10. other than what it is --- precisely the opposite (106)

  11. provision --- provide (113)

  12. reduced --- lowered (134)

  13. regain ---- again (137)

  although 与however (prep2-80)

  but 与yet

  七、 主谓一致

  1. 通过主语名词判断

  单数: a surge; citrus; compliance …(2/77/95/133)

  复数:prices; many dioxins …(12/13/27/33/55/60/66/68/78/80/126/129/135)

  2. 通过代词判断(5)

  八、 逻辑主语

  分词短语修饰的对象必须与后面的名词一致 (25/61/79/110/135)

  九、 句子结构完整性

  1. 缺乏谓语动词(13/18/21/23/26/45/48/71/84/88/92/100/104/108/111/140)

  2. 缺乏主语、谓语(14/100/113)

  3. 缺乏连词(116/123)

  4. 分号后必须是完整句子(55/112)

  十、 句意表达有歧义

  1. 时间状语放在两个句子(主句与从句)中间(3)

  2. 注意修饰短语的意思在宾语从句之后应放在that之后,而不是that 之前(120)

  3. 注意定语从句不能改成伴随状语ing形式,应理解句意(126)

  4. 注意地点修饰短语位置的改变对原句逻辑意思的改变(131)

  十一、 改变原句意思

  1. because、and、but、although等连词表示前后两个句子的逻辑关系,不能随意增删。eg: 原句有because, 选项把because改成and 没有表明因果关系(1/19/98)

  2. 副词形容词修饰对象的不同:corresponding increased sales (correspondingly increased sales错) (12)

  3. 动词ing形式在句尾没有连词需格外注意,如果不是伴随状态,最好加连词,以免引起歧义-修饰前面的名词。(21/55)

  4. 词的词性不能随意改变economic 不能改成economical(37/72)

  5. 注意句子重心的改变,主句不能改成从句。(115)

  十二、 简洁性

  1. It may be that… (wordy) 改成 Maybe … (4)

  2. with by accounts of (wordy)改成using accounts of (25)

  3. whether or not (wordy) 改成 whether(34)

  4. it has the ability to../ the ability for it to (wordy) (34/107)

  5. being的wordy: ed分词短语修饰对象时 (49/103)

  6. 注意it 引导的that 从句的wordy:

  it is the fault of educators who (wordy)改成 educators are at fault (57)

  it is the expectation that/ it is expected that 改成 heating oil prices are expected to (93)

  7. 被动语态的wordy:farmer are to be allowed to/ grain able to be grown by/ grain capable of being grown by(wordy)

  8. 定语从句的wordy:改成形容词或同位语从句 (80/88/102)

  9. there be 句型 的wordy (102/113)

  10. two times (wordy) 改成twice(125)

  11. 动词优先于名词:it is used in rerence to…(wordy)改成 it rers to …(8/11/31/106/132)

  以上对GMAT语法考试中的常见备考要点进行了较为详细的阐述,考生不妨以此为鉴,通过反复练习逐步掌握其在GAMT语法考试中的使用规律,从而在GMAT语法考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接




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