


2017/08/10 22:48:37 编辑: 浏览次数:384 移动端


  十三、 修饰对象的合理性

  1. 介词短语中的名词不能作为后面句子的主语 (1)

  2. 定语从句的修饰对象就近原则(11)

  3. 修饰短语尽可能贴近修饰对象(18/26/107/110)

  4. 动词的完成时态不能作为定语修饰名词 (68/83/129)

  5. 定语从句的习惯搭配 phenomenon in which (104)

  6. 修饰语的位置不能随意改变:常见时间地点状语(113)以及副词:Only/ in the past / now / also /first (5/7/70/83/90)

  7. 定语从句与ing分词短语修饰对象的区别:错误形式有将定语从句改成ing分词短语作为主句谓语的伴随状语(66/105/126)

  8. ing分词短语与to do 的区别:to do 表目的,ing有解释说明之意 (133)

  9. 把两个修饰短语放在名词前,容易产生歧义造成第二个修饰短语是修饰前一个的(107)

  10. 根据句子意思判断修饰对象的合理性(12/40)

  11.补充:"that+过去时"有一种强调该动作已经过去,现在已经结束的意思(completed action)

  而"ing"则表示该动作仍然持续者(ongoing action)(也因此适用于一般规律)


  OG1. a divorce that occurred when they were children...讲的小时候的事,已结束

  OG80.an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as..以前的事情,现在不再flourish了

  OG102.a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911...1911年的事儿,不能用staging修饰

  OG199,a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the west...一般描述,现在并没有结束

  OG113.Visitors have often seen monkeys sleeping on the branches...没有结束,并且和前面的现在时态一致

  十四、 宾语从句强调整体概念

  GMAT一个常见的错误就是把一个完整的概念用一个名词来代替,造成对概念的解释不完整或引起结构的复杂. 这种错误常出现在宾语从句和that引导的同位语从句中

  1. that 引导的同位语:hopes that (2); expectations that (16) 注意后面时态必须是将来时will/would; confidence that(50); evidence that (68); hypothesis that(115); a phenomenon that(118); report that(121)

  2. 宾语从句:the theory holds that (8) ; indicate that(35)

  3. because +句子,不用because of (33/76)

  十五、 主动语态优先

  1. Who so named 比by whom they were named 好(1)

  2. as weak as some analysts previously thought 比 as weak as previously thought by some analyst 好(13)

  3. although the air that forms them is moving rapidly 比 although they are formed by rapidly moving air 好 (95)

  十六、 所有格

  1. 动词ing形式放在名词所有格后通常有歧义 organism’s trying改成organism’s attempt (24)

  2. 没有生命的名词所有格形式 the month of festival ( the festival’s month 错)(59/74/121)

  3. 有生命的名词所有格形式 Muller’s career ( the career of Muller 错)(135)

  十七、 倒装结构

  In no other historical sighting did comet cause… = Comet did cause in no other sighting … (138)

  十八、 虚拟语气

  1. to … , … would have … (41)

  2. if x happened , then y would happen (67)

  3. 宾语从句that 不能省略,无should 用动词原形

  1)recommend that (54)


  ? 表建议:advocate/advise/move/recommend that…do…; sb suggest/propse that…do…

  ? 表命令:order/decree/mandate/command/demand that…do…

  ? 表要求:request/require/insist that…do…; sth require of sb that…do…


  ? allow that…; rule that…; sth propose that…; sth suggest that…

  十九、 必错句式

  in one’s doing 永远错


  be able to be done 永远错

  allow that sb be done

  prohibit that永远错

  prohibit sb to do 永远错

  frobit that 永远错

  enough that 永远错

  demand sth to do 永远错

  以上对GMAT语法考试中的常见备考要点进行了较为详细的阐述,考生不妨以此为鉴,通过反复练习逐步掌握其在GAMT语法考试中的使用规律,从而在GMAT语法考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接



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