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  New equipment and other improvements reduced the amount of time—from eleven hours in 1982 to six in 1988—needed by workers so that they could produce a ton of steel.

  A. needed by workers so that they could produce

  B. needed when workers are producing

  C. workers need in producing

  D. workers needed to produce (D)

  E. workers need for their producing of

  题目释义:A reduced the amount of time workers need for doing sth. …


  1. 定语从句:如果关系代词that在定语从句中做宾语成分,那么这个that一般都要省略。

  2. Need 的固定搭配: need sth. for sth. need sth to do



  A. time needed by workers错误,工人”做什么”需要的时间没有写明;so that +情态动词表示目的,整句的含义是:新器材把工人需要的时间减少了为了工人可以生产一吨煤,逻辑上不合理;they指代workers没有问题

  B. when扭曲了句子原本要表达的意思,成了时间状语表示特定时间下才need,同时工人”做什么”需要的时间没有写明(显然不是生产a ton of steel,而是在生产a ton of steel中的某一个环节所需要的时间);are与主句的时态不一致

  C. need与主句时态不一致;need sth. in doing搭配错误

  D. correct

  E. 时态不一致;for their producing累赘,不如to produce简洁有效。


  Whereas the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed and cannot be retracted from the skin, because the yellow jacket has a comparatively smooth stinger, it is therore able to be pulled out and used again.

  A. because the yellow jacket has a comparatively smooth stinger, it is therore able to be pulled out and used

  B. the comparative smoothness of the yellow jacket’s stinger allows them to pull it out and then can therore use it

  C. the yellow jacket’s stinger is comparatively smooth, and can therore be pulled out and used

  D. in comparison, the yellow jacket’s stinger is smooth, and thus able to be pulled out and used (C)

  E. in comparison, the yellow jacket has a smooth stinger, thus allowing it to be pulled out and used

  题目释义:Whereas the HBS is barbed and cannot be retracted…, YJS is smooth and can…


  1. 句子完整结构 (结合前面提到的run-on)

  1) S+V1+O1, and V2+O2.是很常见的结构. and之后的主语是S, 可是被省了.

  2) S+V1+O1, and pronoun(指代S)+V2+O2. 也是很常见的结构.


  3) S+V1+O1 and pronoun(指代S)+V2+O2. 被OG10列为run-on sentence

  2. can和be able to的区别:

  You can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more usual.

  Bau can has only two forms: can and could. So sometimes it is necessary to use be able to.

  For instance: I will be able to get the car in a week.


  **: can和be able to在与主语搭配逻辑上没有问题的情况下(如主语都是”人”,而不是物),可以平行。


  A.whereas表示对比,但前后分句逻辑上无法形成对比(because从句也属于夹心修饰); 因为前面未划线部分用的是cannot,后面用can更加呼应;be able to be done错误;it指向yellow jacket错误

  B.the comparative smoothness of结构复杂(形容词形式简洁于名词形式),且与前面不对称;them指代不明;use的动作发出者为smoothness错误

  C.correct;从形合上直接判断C也是最好的:whereas honeybee’s stinger is barbed, yellow jacket’s stinger is smooth;cannot be retracted与can be pulled out。注意!形合意合的方法是迅速解决难题的一大技巧。另外还有一处意合点:comparatively与前面heavily的对称,可以直接排除B,C,D。

  D. In comparison 和 whereas 语义重复;因为前面未划线部分用的是cannot,后面用can更加呼应。

  E. In comparison 和 whereas 语义重复;划线部分与前面未划线部分不对称,infective。

  195. (GWD-7-Q13)

  Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the sandpipers vanishing in the northeastern United States is a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.

  A. the sandpipers vanishing in the northeastern United States is a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in

  B. the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in

  C. that the birds themselves are vanishing in the northeastern United States is due to residential and industrial development and changes to

  D. in the northeastern United States, sandpipers’ vanishing is due to residential and industrial development and to changes in (B)

  E. in the northeastern United States, the sandpipers’ vanishing, a result of residential and industrial development and changing

  题目释义:Like the grassy fileds and old pastures…, the birds are vanishing…


  1. 比较:like/unlike的对比双方需要遵循严格词性、功能等的平行。

  2. Due to可以用attributed to或caused by替代来权衡逻辑上是否合理,其次due to,similar to,differing from等有形容词性质的介词,GMAT中一般不能出现在句首。


  1)due to一般作为复杂介词与owing to同义。然而有些人认为due在该组合中是形容词,因此反对下句中的用法,因为它违背了无动词分句的依附规则:

  Due to bad weather, classes have been cancelled today.

  那些人认为下句是可以的:Cancellation of classes today is due to bad weather.

  由于GMAT语法的严格性,due to也不应该被放在句首。

  2)due to有attribute, caused by的意思。

  Due to means"cause by". It shoud only be used if it can be substitued with "caused by".

  It doed not mean the same thing as "because of",

  Incorrect: The game was postponed due to rain.

  Correct: The game was postponed because of rain.

  Correct: The game&aposs postponement was due to rain.


  A. the sandpipers vanishing的中心词是sandipipers不是一个result,vanishing只是修饰语,且sandipipers与后面的is主谓不一致

  B. correct;就像草原和牧场,sandpiper itself 在消失àlike的比较对象很平行

  C. that引导的名词性从句描述的是一个事件与the grassy fields and old pastures不对等

  D. sandpipers’ vanishing事件与the grassy fields and old pastures不对等。由于like/unlike的比较相对严格,所以比较对象应尽可能接近,所以把in the northeastern United States放在中间很awkward

  E. the sandpipers’ vanishing事件与the grassy fields and old pastures不对等;主句不完整,缺少谓语;development与changes平行,不与practices平行


  1. 注意这里未划线部分the grassy fields and old pastures的定语从句that the upland sandpiper needs中的that没有省略,因为that后面成分过于复杂,加入that句子结构更为清晰。

  2. 注意未划线部分it的提示,数的单复。

  3. Change做n,搭配:Change in; Change of; Change from A to B





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