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本文通过GMAT语法例题为大家讲解GMAT语法题难题的解题方法,希望考生参照文中所举例题,提炼出自己的GMAT语法题难题擒拿术,好好的运用在GMAT考试中。   GMAT语法例题   The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980&aposs.   (A) The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980&aposs.   (B) The modernization program for the steel mill, hopully completed in the late 1980&aposs, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.   (C) Modernizing the steel mill, hopully to be completed in the late 1980&aposs, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.   (D) The program for modernizing the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980&aposs and cost approximately 51 million dollars.   (E) Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980&aposs, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.   这道题目中A选项的it is hoped是个插入语,应该前后用两个逗号隔开。而且A中的which语法上看指代了dollar美圆,而从逻辑来分析其实是应该指代program项目的,所以A错了。B选项和C选项用了hopully这个词,这不符合商业英文的用法,一般是错误的,应该改为it is hoped。D选项犯了个非常严重的语法错误,它缺少谓语,所以肯定是错误选项。最后答案选E,而其实E选项也只是个相对最佳而非绝对最优,因为它放了Modernizing the steel mill这个分词结构做主语,应该把它改成the modernization of the steel mill名词形式来做主语会更好一点,但由于这只是个不简洁的错误,属于有效性的错误,与A,B,C,D的错误性质比较起来显得轻微许多,所以答案选E。   GMAT语法题难题,其实并不可怕,只是因为考生畏难如虎的心里在作祟。要想从容擒获GMAT语法题难题,首先考生应该克服对GMAT语法题难题的心理障碍,其次,面对GMAT语法题难题,要先摸清它们的主干,顺藤摸瓜,就能找到GMAT语法题难题的考查核心了。最后预祝大家在GMAT考试中取得佳绩。
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