

gmat语法 碰上长划线题肿么破.

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  Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.

  (A)Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.

  (B)Authoritative parents who are more likely than permissive parents to have adolescent children that are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.

  (C)Children of authoritative parents, rather than permissive parents, are the more likely to be self-confident, have a high self-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as adolescents.

  (D)Children whose parents are authoritative rather than being permissive, are more likely to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, and be responsibly independent when they are an adolescent.

  (E)Rather than permissive parents, the children of authoritative parents are the more likely to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as an adolescent.


  A选项中比较双方是出现了more……than“前后的比较对象“authoritative parents”和“permissive parents”是两种类型的父母,没问题,

  再看B选项比较对象没问题,C选项是rather than前后“ permissive parents”与“Children“对象不一致,排除,D选型rather than前后“being permissive”与“Children”对象不一致,排除,E选项 permissive parents”与“Children“比较对象不一致,排除。所以就剩下AB两个选项了。

  区别AB两个选项,B选项的who和A选项的who位置不一样,一分析就发现B选项句子结构“are more likely……”成为了“who”引导的定语从句中的谓语,则主句失去谓语,主谓结构不完整。句子缺少谓语,所以排除B,

  最后我们验证一下A这个选项,比较结构为“authoritative parents are more likely(to have children who……)than permissive parents (are likely) to have children who……”。Children后边有个who引导的定语从句修饰孩子。“self-confident”、“high in self-esteem”、“responsibly independent”三者用“and”平行在一起,正确地构建了“A,B,and C”的平行结构。所以这个句子是正确的,也就是说作为跟划线句子一样的A选项也是正确的。

  练:1:  Discussion of greenhouse fects has usually focused on whether the Earth would warm and by how much, but climatologists have indicated all along that the most obvious fects, and those that would have the largest impact on people, would be extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess.

  A. the most obvious fects, and those that would have the largest impact on people, would be extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess

  B. the fects that are the most obvious ones, extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess, would be those impacting the most on people

  C. those fects to have the largest impact on people, extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess, are what are the most obvious fects

  D. extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess, the most obvious fects, that they would have the largest impact on people

  E. extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess, which are the most obvious fects, are those to impact the most on people


  句式:Discussion has focused on whether, but c have indicate all that.



  A. 正确;

  B. 变成了the most obvious ones, extremes of temperature, precipitation, and storminess并列了,不合句子原来的意思;

  C. 应该用虚拟语气;

  D. THEY指代歧义;

  E. Which指代不清,应该用虚拟语气。

  练习2:The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft will orbit the asteroid Eros for a year, slowly moving closer to the surface of the object to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to understand how the solar system formed some four billion years ago.

  A. to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to

  B. to make ever more and more precise measurements, which scientists are hoping to enable them

  C. for making ever more precise measurements, and scientists hope that they will be able to

  D. with the purpose of making more precise measurements than ever, and which scientists hope will enable them to

  E. in order to make more precise measurements than it ever did, and scientists are hoping they will be able to


  句式:NEAR will orbit the asteroid eros, slowly moving closer to the surface of the object to make measurements that scientist hope will enable them to do how....



  A. 正确;

  B. ever more and more两者关系不能连用;"measurements, which scientists are hoping to enable them" 两个词不能连用,因为"enable"有两个不同的宾语:"measurements, which" and "them";


  a) i am hoping to HIT it --> "it" = object of "hit"

  b) the ball, which i am hoping to HIT" --> "ball, which" = "hit"的宾语;

  the ball, which i am hoping to HIT it"(双宾语同样含义)

  For doing表示目的性不如to do;and链接的是两个不同含义的东西,1)the spacecraft is hanging around making measurements, and 2)scientists hope one day 两个是相互独立的时间,但是句子意思是两者有联系的;所以AND不合适;

  C. 介词词组(with the purpose of...)和定语从句不平行(which ...);

  D. and链接的是两个关系相连的东西,AND不合适。


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