

gmat语法 如何临时抱佛脚.

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  如何才能抱到gmat语法的佛脚?本次gmat语法高分策略,教育小小编专门就此疑问提出了几点建议:看到有maybe,选项必错;such as和like作为选项差异点出现,like所在选项错误,such like搭配也错误;动词和非谓语动词(doing或者done)作为选项差异点出现,非谓语动词所在选项必错。。。希望可以给众位的gmat语法练习提供一些帮助!


  原因:gmat是严格书面语言,而maybe是口语词汇,用官方的说法,maybe属于overly informal极度不正式,所以必错,正确选项往往会使用perhaps或者probably。

  gmat语法高分策略提示: may 和be 分开是可以对的。


  Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history, maybe none is more concentrated as the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.

  (A) maybe none is more concentrated as

  (B) it may be that none is more concentrated as

  (C) perhaps it is none that is more concentrated than

  (D) maybe it is none that was more concentrated than

  (E) perhaps none was more concentrated than


  佛脚二、such as和like作为选项差异点出现,like所在选项错误,such like搭配也错误。

  原因:gmat语法考试中like不可以用来表示举例,为了考察这个点,GMAC老头只能拿such as来解救like,所以最后的表现就稳定变成同样语法位置,有的选项such as,有的选项是like,注意like选项错误。同样such like混搭也是必错的。

  备注:like在gmat开始中只能表“像”,往往跟其他表“像”词汇,如as,similar to一起考察,这种情况下和such as毫无关系,根本无需担心混淆考察。




  In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, none could be taken seriously.

  A) psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size,

  B)psychologists, declaring that most of the studies failed in not controlling for such variables like social class and family size, and

  C) psychologists declared that since most of the studies, having failed to control for such variables as social class and family size,

  D) psychologists declared that since most of the studies fail in controlling for such variables like social class and family size,

  E) psychologists declared that since most of the studies had failed to control for variables such as social class and family size,


  佛脚四、表原因词汇固定题型 5个选项设置:

  2个because+2个due to+1 because of


  原因:表原因词汇有很多个,但是在固定题型,同样表原因词汇不同选项使用的不同,一般有两个选项使用because,2个选项使用due to,一个选项使用because of,这个题型中due to一定会错,是因为due to在gmat语法中只可以作表语,但是这个题型中一定试图让它作状语错误;而because of选项表原因永远会设置很多不清楚和错误的点让它错掉。



  In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.

  (A) due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing

  (B) due to moisture that tourists had exhaled, thereby raising its humidity to such levels that salt from the stone would crystallize

  (C) because tourists were exhaling moisture, which had raised the humidity within them to levels such that salt from the stone would crystallize

  (D) because of moisture that was exhaled by tourists raising the humidity within them to levels so high as to make the salt from the stone crystallize

  (E) because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels that salt from the stone was crystallizing


  佛脚五、同位语从句考察固定题型:抽象名词后 选项设置:2 that引导的同位语从句+3个介词结构 或者 3 that引导的同位语从句+2个介词结构





  The discovery of glass being expandable and able to be shaped by human breath revolutionized glassworking to such an extent that today "glassblowing" has become the generic term for all glassworking, whether the glass is blown or formed by other techniques.

  (A) of glass being expandable and able to be

  (B) of glass that is capable of expansion and

  (C) of glass being capable of expansion and that it can be

  (D) that glass can be expanded and it is able to be

  (E) that glass can be expanded and


  佛脚六、宾语从句考点: study indicates…/research shows…/theory holds…后只能接that引导的宾语从句。

  选项设置:2 that引导的宾语从句+3个名词/3 that引导的宾语从句+2个名词



  Recent research indicates that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially believed.

  (A) that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially believed

  (B) that two popular arthritis drugs may not be as safe as they were initially believed to be

  (C) two popular arthritis drugs to possibly not be as safe as it was initially believed

  (D) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs may not be as great as it was initially believed

  (E) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs not to be as great as they were initially believed to be


  佛脚5和佛脚6 虽然背后是两个不同的语法原理,但是最后的结果却是如此相似,所以大家可以根据选项特征去识别这两种考点,记住,无论是同位语从句考点还是宾语从句考点最后都选择了that引导的名词性从句。

  佛脚七、based on放在句首作状语,逻辑主语一定不可以是“人”;basing必错结构。

  原因: Based on“被基于”,而人是客观存在,不是“被基于”某个东西而存在,所以逻辑主语不对,错误。gmat考试中不接受base的现在现在分词结构basing,所以basing任何时候出现选项必错。

  备注: Based on the research, scientists drew a solid conclusion.这个句子是错误的,因为scientist不是based on动作接受者,如果换成Based on the research, a solid conclusion was draw by scientists.可以对。

  Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”

  (A) Based on accounts of various ancient writers

  (B) Basing it on various ancient writers’ accounts

  (C) With accounts of various ancient writers used for a basis

  (D) By the accounts of various ancient writers they used

  (E) Using accounts of various ancient writers



  表意: “认为…是…”

  (1)consider as和consider to be必错

  (2) regard to be/ conceive of…to be/ think of …to be 必错

  原因:consider是后面直接跟宾语及其补足语,所以直接可以说I consider Tom an artist.而不能和as以及to be搭配;但是regard以及conceive of还有think of这些表认为词汇只能和as搭配,不可以和to be搭配。

  备注:把consider单独记住即可,其余的记住表“认为…是…”中的是不是to be而是as“作为”的这个感觉。

  Some anthropologists regard the early hominids' manner of walking as being less ficient than in modern human beings.

  (A) as being less ficient than in

  (B) as less ficient than it is in

  (C) as less ficient than that of

  (D) to be less ficient than that of

  (E) to have been less ficient than it is in


  佛脚九、no doubt whether 必错

  原因:当表示不怀疑的时候,直接把不怀疑的事情说出来即可,而不用再问是否,所以正确的表达应该是no doubt that…

  备注:这里的no只是表示否定,所以do not doubt和do doubt的情况下这种原则都适用。

  Once they had seen the report from the medical examiner, the investigators did not doubt whether the body recovered from the river was the man who had attempted to escape from the state prison.

  (A) did not doubt whether the body recovered from the river was

  (B) have no doubt whether the body recovered from the river was

  (C) had not doubted that the body recovered from the river was

  (D) have no doubt whether the body recovered from the river was that of

  (E) had no doubt that the body recovered from the river was that of


  佛脚十、If 和 whether出现 if必错;whether…or not搭配必错。

  原因:if和whether出现考察表“‘是否”用谁比较合适,表“是否”再也不可以用if了只能适用whether,而且whether…or not搭配中or not多余错误。

  备注:gmat 语法比较严格,if正常会用来表示“如果”引导条件状语从句。而不再用来表示“是否”。

  Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.

  (A) if it can broaden its membership and leave

  (B) whether it can broaden its membership and leave

  (C) whether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave

  (D) its ability for broadening its membership and leaving

  (E) the ability for it to broaden its membership and leave



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