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8 具创造力广告的影响力
V1 by szdxs930(770)
V2 by gege22
V3 by liujingruc(740 M51 V30+)
9 CIO[附GWD原文原题]
V1 by suzhenbo
In the 1930’s and 1940’s, African American industrial workers in the southern United States, who constituted 80 percent of the unskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. While the American Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americans or maintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy of equal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’s backbone. Yet it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforced by White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumental in maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racial discrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressed during this period. However, recognizing employers’ power over workers as a central factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization, African American workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking change despite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination. The persistent forts of African American unionists eventually paid off: many became highly fective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist White unionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers. African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions while using them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.
GWD-9-Q21 G-9-Q21:
The passage is primarily concerned with
A. demonstrating that unions failed to address the concerns of African American workers during a particular period
B. arguing that African American workers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimately benicial to them
C. contrasting the treatment of African American workers by two different labor organizations during a particular period
D. giving reasons for the success of African American unionists in winning victories for both African American and White workers during a particular period
E. questioning one explanation for the attitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particular period
GWD-9-Q22 G-9-Q22:
According to the passage, which of the following was true of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?
A. Their attitudes toward African American union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities of these organizers were serving workers’ interests.
B. They were a powerful element in the southern labor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factory labor force in the southern United States.
C. They persisted in opposing the CIO’s adoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.
D. Their primary goal was to strengthen the negotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership.
E. Their advocacy of racial discrimination hampered unions in their forts to gain more power for workers.
GWD-9-Q23 G-9-Q23:
The author of the passage suggests which of the following about African American workers who participated in union activities in the 1930’s and 1940’s?
A. They believed that the elimination of discrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievement of economic advancement for African Americans.
B. They belonged exclusively to CIO unions because they were excluded from AFL unions.
C. They believed that the economic advancement of African American workers depended on organized forts to empower all workers.
D. Some of them advocated the organization of separate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFL and the CIO.
E. Many of them did not believe that White unionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination against African American workers.
10 恐龙灭绝[附考古]
V1 by dandanhoo
V2 by niubirs
第一段:讲以前考古学家对恐龙的灭绝有兴趣,但最近(好像是221 million years ago,有考点,但我忘了考什么了)兴趣逐渐转移到了恐龙出现的时候(有细节题)
第三段:讲另一些科学家认为是陨石撞击地球使它们灭绝的;举了个例子,在加拿大魁北克发现的陨石坑形成的年代和爬行动物灭绝的时间吻合(细节题:问举这个例子 in order to?我选的D,就是承认撞击的年代和爬行动物灭绝的年代吻合,E选项很迷惑,是说为了说明是陨石撞击造成爬行动物灭绝,我犹豫了一会儿,认为还是选D, 毕竟作者观点是不同意陨石撞击说的);接下来继续说这种理论,但也被作者找了个理由给毙了。[陨石撞击理论作者也否定了]
第一段,LATE XX 纪,一种M恐龙的化石使得人们长期认为这种恐龙的出现和一些生物的灭绝是同期的。近期的研究让科学家的兴趣从研究恐龙的灭绝转向研究这种恐龙出现的年代的 surrounding events。
第二段,之后文章举了很多流派的解释,首先排除了恐龙的原因,因为恐龙出现之后很久某些动物才灭绝(觉得逻辑不是很通)。新研究发现,这种M恐龙的出现predate生物的灭绝。有人说那些生物灭绝是因为天气,比如天气曾经很干燥。 但是这些生物的灭绝在天气很干燥之前还是之后,并且有些生物生活在更干燥的环境下,并且好后来才灭绝。
p1:遥想白垩纪当年,以恐龙为代表的很多动物,还有爬行类啦一下子灭亡了,科学家一直对这些动物灭绝的那段时候很有兴趣(阴暗心理)。好在最近有一个发现,把大家的兴趣吸引了到恐龙刚刚出现(initial appearance)的那个年代(考点)
the extinction of reptile and amphibian and Trias (geology majors maybe glad to see this article)
1.the academics has long been discussing how animals such as reptile and amphibian became extinct.
2.some says the appearance of dinosaur caused it.
3.there is counterevidence. some says environmental changes. there is also counterevidence.
4.the author also found meteor in Canada has been related to the extinction.
5. so the author thinks the extinction is not caused by any single factor, but rather by multiple factors.
Q1: the function of citing the meteor in Canada
Q3: 科学家已经能做到下面哪一项了...答案选estimate陨石的时间.其他的还包括1.确定争抢栖息地一定不是灭绝的原因2.那一段时间内各个事件发生的先后顺序...
Q4.有考到INFER题问哪个是对的,A好像是在恐龙出现前有物种开始灭绝,B在干旱之后很久有物种灭绝 C MOST物种在恐龙时期灭绝 D MOST物种在陨石撞击的时候灭绝
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲