


2017/08/10 20:09:45 编辑: 浏览次数:184 移动端


  V1 from chojihon 670

  好像是研究发现经常吃含有个啥 (不认识那词 反正就是个东西暂且说是X)会抑制肺癌发生 结果后面研究发现人们服用X的supplement结果全郁闷的提高了肺癌的发生


  主人原话:V2比较象 但是是说的是服用了比没服用supplement的患癌几率更高

  V2 from erhou

  说吃富含胡萝卜素的食物可以预防癌症, 但是人们吃了很多富含胡萝卜素的补充剂,但是没比那些不吃的发病率降低, 问为什么? 我选的是那些胡萝卜补充剂里面的可能跟食物里面的胡萝卜素不一样。

  PS:注意变体 看清问题

  考古 from nowwsy

  V1 from buttercanfly

  关 于吃什么东西能预防cancer的说法是错误的,因为实验表明在吃低浓度的这种东西的人当中,吃得多的人和吃得少的人得cancer的概率差不多(这句很 绕,大家多读几遍,我说的不一定对),问加强(或者是假设)。我选的高浓度的这种物质中不含有其他可以预防cancer的物质。

  V2 from 东邪

  有 一道,就是防癌食物的那题有些出入。题目最后一句说的其实是,研究发现,平时吃这种东西吃的少的人中,吃这种东西的supplements多的和吃这种东 西的supplements少的得cancer的可能差不多。问的是assumption。 B 平时吃这种东西少的人吃的量,加上吃这种东西supplements的量,不会大于平时吃这种东西多的人的量。C 吃的少不会怎样怎样。。。D 记不清了。E 这种东西的supplements吃进去后不会和体内某物质产生抑制左右(失效) .我在B和E中徘徊了半天,最后选了E,大家考试时仔细再看看,我当时觉得E更靠谱。


  V1 from chojihon 670

  政府要提高对car的tax 有人说这就变相的提高了那些选用小型车和环保车的人的Oil cost 中间忘了 但是政府说这个tax不会产生那个效果


  V1 from chojihon 670



  这道题我选的是以前装的camera不咋管用,现在的这玩意reliable,不咋坏 所以看得的commit多了



  V1 from chojihon 670

  四蹄动物貌似有左撇子倾向,过半的四蹄动物呢貌似走路左脚优先吧~~~这个好像几百年前就发现了 但是类 有研究人员看了近百年的画作 发现画作中的这些四蹄动物明显不是这样的嘛 基本是对半 因为walking 和running时明显不一样

  问削弱 (大概就是这样吧 可能会有些出入)



  To label "organic" on animal products, ... cows have to graze instead of fenced in. But the ranchers who produces products and puts on organic label argues that their cows graze on good grass and are in good health.

  Question: (idk) it&aposs probably something about what&aposs the rancher argument base on)

  ANS: (again, idk) something about vague dinition for "in good health."

  V2 fromflsfqq

  那个magzine的问题,还有个题说有个地方规定“access to pasture”的奶牛产的奶才能贴上“organic”标签,但是后来很多大多数场合是以谷物喂养的奶牛生产者也用了那个标签,厂主说因为他们的牛品质 也是非常好的。有人提出质疑,问如果判断到底能不能用那个标签需要考量哪个问题?选项有牛的品质是不是优质等吧,我选的是法规中对“access to pasture的定义

  V3 from sherryBNU 703

  Confirm V2的答案 同意!


  V1 from haozooo1

  还有一道GWD变体: 新出一种prescription drug的,销售很好。某人断言,一定是因为病人要求医生开这种新药。

  主人原话:是变体。题干有变化,问得也不一样,不是evaluate, 好像是support还是assumption。选项全部换到完,但是都记不住了。我好像选了一个选项说可以替代很多non prescription要很多又便宜(记不太清,记忆模糊了)


  It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except in professional medical journals or by mail directly to physicians. A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications. Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications. But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.

  Which of the following would it be most usul to establish in order to evaluate the argument?

  A. Whether nonprescription medications can interact with and block the action of any prescription medications that could be advertised to the general public

  B. Whether most prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would be advertisements for recently developed medications newly available by prescription

  C. Whether prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would appear on television and radio as well as in print

  D. Whether physicians are more likely to pay attention to advertising directed to the general public than to advertising directed to physicians

  E Whether physicians are likely to succumb to pressure from patients to prescribe inappropriate medications

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