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第三篇 Var金融指标
版本一xzbx 720
p1介绍了这个指标,比如Var=500 million,说明这个公司的loss不会超过500 million. VaR这个指标主要用来反映短期的risk.这个指标的好处是它考虑了各种variables,比如震荡,leverage等等(这里有考题)另外每天market close的时候,mgr就可以知道当天Var是多少了。主要都在说明VaR的好处。
p2.VaR的应用。好像是说national的regulation body要求VaR要disclouse出来的。还有就是说国际的Regulation body规定,公司可以自行通过VaR来决定他们的capital reserve.比如如果VaR很低,说明他们的风险低,这样就可以减少应对风险的Capital Reserve.
讲VaR(Value at Risk ) 这个东西可以在short duration去判断portfolio(投资组合)的loss... 譬如如果VaR小于等于50m 那么下星期maximum loss就可能是50m. 后来VaR还可以用来向公司董事会说明公司运作和performance之类的. 第三段好像是讲VaR 还可以用来判断公司equity什么的…好像有问对VaR描述正确的是, 还有文章主旨
版本三 scratte (V42)
第一段:VaR是一种金融风险估值工具,主要是在normal market下对短期投资的风险规避做出预测。举了个小例子来解释var,然后说var是可以适用于多种金融工具,比如股票,债券等等,然后说var的计算主要是包含了diversification, volatility,还有个什么什么。金融业的头儿们都喜欢用var来计算风险,告知交易员。
版本四 chensc 7/14
有同志要我回忆具体怎么变体,这个有点难。我大致就想到,一题是问哪个是从原文得到least support的,我选的是,VAR对某个东西(volatility)有exceptional的预测。(因为原文没说哪个特别突出),还有个选项是,there are variables other than 原文提过的几个。
意blue12 740 7/16
2. 是问哪个是从原文得到least support的,我选的是,VAR对某个东西(volatility)有exceptional的预测(记得狗狗中的一位同学说过exceptional,然后就选这个了)
之后的情况选了有些企业需要subject to一些监管机构的regulations,然后这些监管机构在这个企业operating的地区之外(大概是这意思,大家做的时候再好好读读)
Shaneliu v35 7/20
1. 文章对下列那一项的支持是最少的?
2.如果下列说法都是正确的,VAR is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?
我选的是VAR是政府要求提供的financial statements里用到的main tool
1. 对VaR描述正确的是
2. 文章主旨/目的是
3. VaR的意义是?JJ作者答案:逆势中大波动损失的金额
5.主旨题,我选的好像是C,描述一种风险测量的模型,并说明它为什么可以outstanding of all models
There are many such models, but by far the most widely used is called VaR — Value at Risk. Built around statistical ideas and probability theories that have been around for centuries, VaR was developed and popularized in the early 1990s by a handful of scientists and mathematicians — “quants,” they’re called in the business — who went to work for JPMorgan. VaR’s great appeal, and its great selling point to people who do not happen to be quants, is that it expresses risk as a single number, a dollar figure, no less.
VaR isn’t one model but rather a group of related models that share a mathematical framework. In its most common form, it measures the boundaries of risk in a portfolio over short durations, assuming a “normal” market. For instance, if you have $50 million of weekly VaR, that means that over the course of the next week, there is a 99 percent chance that your portfolio won’t lose more than $50 million. That portfolio could consist of equities, bonds, derivatives(衍生性金融商品) or all of the above; one reason VaR became so popular is that it is the only commonly used risk measure that can be applied to just about any asset class. And it takes into account a head-spinning variety of variables, including diversification, leverage and volatility(波动,波幅), that make up the kind of market risk that traders and firms face every day.
Another reason VaR is so appealing is that it can measure both individual risks — the amount of risk contained in a single trader’s portfolio, for instance — and firmwide risk, which it does by combining the VaRs of a given firm’s trading desks and coming up with a net number. Top executives usually know their firm’s daily VaR within minutes of the market’s close.
Risk managers use VaR to quantify their firm’s risk positions to their board. In the late 1990s, as the use of derivatives was exploding, the Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that firms had to include a quantitative disclosure of market risks in their financial statements for the convenience of investors, and VaR became the main tool for doing so. Around the same time, an important international rule-making body, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, went even further to validate VaR by saying that firms and banks could rely on their own internal VaR calculations to set their capital requirements. So long as their VaR was reasonably low, the amount of money they had to set aside to cover risks that might go bad could also be low
补充第三篇VaR的知识 感谢yoshimihoku 7/14
VaR(Value-at-Risk 简记为VaR)中文译为"风险价值",是指在正常的市场条件和给定的置信度内,用于评估和计量任何一种金融资产或资产组合在既定时期内所面临的市场风险大小和可能遭受的潜在最大价值损失,是对市场风险的总体性评估
VaR(Value at Risk)一般被称为“风险价值”或“在险价值”,指在一定的置信水平下,某一金融资产(或证券组合)在未来特定的一段时间内的最大可能损失。假定JP摩根公司在2004年置信水平为95%的日VaR值为960万美元,其含义指该公司可以以95%的把握保证,2004年某一特定时点上的金融资产在未来24小时内,由于市场价格变动带来的损失不会超过960万美元。或者说,只有5%的可能损失超过960万美元。与传统风险度量手段不同,VaR完全是基于统计分析基础上的风险度量技术,它的产生是JP摩根公司用来计算市场风险的产物。但是,VaR的分析方法目前正在逐步被引入信用风险管理领域。
第四篇 关于美国债权债务的。acrophobia
美国从creditor变成debtor到底是好是坏。两种理论,第一种说是好,将其比喻成rising corporation,但这种没有考虑到美国的投资者都是用portfolio(有一题)。第二种说是不好,比成falling ones。第二种更有说服力。但两者都没有考虑美国的跨国公司所起到的作用(有题,意思是问两种说法的共同点)。
说 美国是世界上负债最多的国家,一个学家说1这是经济强劲的表现,说这是2跨国公司在美国进行直接投资的结果,作者说美国现在大部分的外国公司是间接投资 (出题:是in order to 的题,答案我选:反驳第一个人的观点) 另一个学家说这是美国经济萧条的表现……,最后作者说两个理论都没考虑经济全球化的因素(出题)
版本四 by moneyqpp 7/14
第一段:大体讲美国从原来的放贷大国变成现在的欠债大国。然后有两种观点。一种说这样好,说美国现在就想像是个有潜力的公司,外国就像来投资的股东。外国通过美国的经济增长可以获得利润。然后作者说出了这个观点的不足,说外国其实和公司的股东不同,因为他们没有实质的股权,无法拥有控制公司的权利。(意思是没法控制美国)有高亮,问作者提到这种股权的形式是为了什么?我选为了削弱第一种观点。 第二种观点说这样欠一屁股债不好。因为会导致贸易逆差,美国以后就完了。
版本五by moneyqpp 7/14
第一种说是好,将其比喻成rising corporation,但这种没有考虑到美国的投资者都是用portfolio(有一题)
Q3:in order to题:作者说美国现在大部分的外国公司是间接投资的目的:我选:反驳第一个人的观点(跨国公司在美国进行直接投资的结果)
Q4: 有道题同意机经说法:具体事例是如果美国是债权国,某个事实就应该是,但实际上事实不是这样的.问举该事例是为了说明什么?我选的是:是为了反对某个观点的提法。
Q5: 还有问这两种观点在争什么? 选欠一屁股债是否会影响美国经济
Until now, scientists have depended on measurements of oxygen and carbon isotopes to determine their age, butPascale Poussart, a geochemist at Princeton University in New Jersey, and her colleagues, have shown that an apparently ring less Miliusa velutina tree(野独活)from Thailand does have rings... they&aposre just invisible.
Using X-ray beams focused on wood samples, the researchers looked at calcium, a mineral that trees take up during their main growing season. They revealed annual peaks dating back to 1909.Although the results were in line with carbon isotope measurements,(关于新方法,何者是对的) the calcium method is much quicker.
"It took us just one afternoon in the synchrotron to produce the record," (方法最大的优点) says Poussart. "The isotope record cost four months of lab time."
The team doesn&apost yet know whether seasonal calcium cycles are common, (如何使新方法普遍接受) or if the feature is specific to just a few types of trees. And it is unclear whether periods of drought, or the modest and patchy dry seasons that feature in some areas of the tropics, will make the signal undecipherable. In search of answers, Poussart will be working with scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute&aposs Center for Tropical Forest Science, who runs long-term forest monitoring programmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
At the moment, much about tropical systems is a mystery, so anything that helps measure time will make an important contribution to the understanding of tropical forest dynamics.
3.下列哪一个是undermine第一段所说"热带树林 is too subtle to 显示气候的迹象"?
Tree830224 7/13
Q1 If which of the following has been proved, P科学家的Cal方法will be widely accepted?(选项:It can be determined the drought season will more affect decipher than dry seasons; all the tropical trees have been proved to be different with regard to seasonal calcium cycles;)
Q2 主旨题:evaluate the reliability of a new method with regard to determining the climate change;
Q3 which is true about the two methods? (选项:carbon method is more established than P’s method; P has used x-ray to test carbon(这里注意是carbon, P的新方法是关注calcium),选项有很多都是carbon出现的,要当心;Carbon is more accurate in determining the age;…..)
Q4 Which can be inferred from the passage?(选项:P’s method needs further study to check its ficiency;)
2010年6-7月GMAT阅读机经(7.21)(二)2010年6-7月GMAT阅读机经(7.21)(二)更新至7.21 共53篇
第三篇 Var金融指标
版本一xzbx 720
p1介绍了这个指标,比如Var=500 million,说明这个公司的loss不会超过500 million. VaR这个指标主要用来反映短期的risk.这个指标的好处是它考虑了各种variables,比如震荡,leverage等等(这里有考题)另外每天market close的时候,mgr就可以知道当天Var是多少了。主要都在说明VaR的好处。
p2.VaR的应用。好像是说national的regulation body要求VaR要disclouse出来的。还有就是说国际的Regulation body规定,公司可以自行通过VaR来决定他们的capital reserve.比如如果VaR很低,说明他们的风险低,这样就可以减少应对风险的Capital Reserve.
讲VaR(Value at Risk ) 这个东西可以在short duration去判断portfolio(投资组合)的loss... 譬如如果VaR小于等于50m 那么下星期maximum loss就可能是50m. 后来VaR还可以用来向公司董事会说明公司运作和performance之类的. 第三段好像是讲VaR 还可以用来判断公司equity什么的…好像有问对VaR描述正确的是, 还有文章主旨
版本三 scratte (V42)
第一段:VaR是一种金融风险估值工具,主要是在normal market下对短期投资的风险规避做出预测。举了个小例子来解释var,然后说var是可以适用于多种金融工具,比如股票,债券等等,然后说var的计算主要是包含了diversification, volatility,还有个什么什么。金融业的头儿们都喜欢用var来计算风险,告知交易员。
版本四 chensc 7/14
有同志要我回忆具体怎么变体,这个有点难。我大致就想到,一题是问哪个是从原文得到least support的,我选的是,VAR对某个东西(volatility)有exceptional的预测。(因为原文没说哪个特别突出),还有个选项是,there are variables other than 原文提过的几个。
意blue12 740 7/16
2. 是问哪个是从原文得到least support的,我选的是,VAR对某个东西(volatility)有exceptional的预测(记得狗狗中的一位同学说过exceptional,然后就选这个了)
之后的情况选了有些企业需要subject to一些监管机构的regulations,然后这些监管机构在这个企业operating的地区之外(大概是这意思,大家做的时候再好好读读)
Shaneliu v35 7/20
1. 文章对下列那一项的支持是最少的?
2.如果下列说法都是正确的,VAR is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?
我选的是VAR是政府要求提供的financial statements里用到的main tool
1. 对VaR描述正确的是
2. 文章主旨/目的是
3. VaR的意义是?JJ作者答案:逆势中大波动损失的金额
5.主旨题,我选的好像是C,描述一种风险测量的模型,并说明它为什么可以outstanding of all models
There are many such models, but by far the most widely used is called VaR — Value at Risk. Built around statistical ideas and probability theories that have been around for centuries, VaR was developed and popularized in the early 1990s by a handful of scientists and mathematicians — “quants,” they’re called in the business — who went to work for JPMorgan. VaR’s great appeal, and its great selling point to people who do not happen to be quants, is that it expresses risk as a single number, a dollar figure, no less.
VaR isn’t one model but rather a group of related models that share a mathematical framework. In its most common form, it measures the boundaries of risk in a portfolio over short durations, assuming a “normal” market. For instance, if you have $50 million of weekly VaR, that means that over the course of the next week, there is a 99 percent chance that your portfolio won’t lose more than $50 million. That portfolio could consist of equities, bonds, derivatives(衍生性金融商品) or all of the above; one reason VaR became so popular is that it is the only commonly used risk measure that can be applied to just about any asset class. And it takes into account a head-spinning variety of variables, including diversification, leverage and volatility(波动,波幅), that make up the kind of market risk that traders and firms face every day.
Another reason VaR is so appealing is that it can measure both individual risks — the amount of risk contained in a single trader’s portfolio, for instance — and firmwide risk, which it does by combining the VaRs of a given firm’s trading desks and coming up with a net number. Top executives usually know their firm’s daily VaR within minutes of the market’s close.
Risk managers use VaR to quantify their firm’s risk positions to their board. In the late 1990s, as the use of derivatives was exploding, the Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that firms had to include a quantitative disclosure of market risks in their financial statements for the convenience of investors, and VaR became the main tool for doing so. Around the same time, an important international rule-making body, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, went even further to validate VaR by saying that firms and banks could rely on their own internal VaR calculations to set their capital requirements. So long as their VaR was reasonably low, the amount of money they had to set aside to cover risks that might go bad could also be low
补充第三篇VaR的知识 感谢yoshimihoku 7/14
VaR(Value-at-Risk 简记为VaR)中文译为"风险价值",是指在正常的市场条件和给定的置信度内,用于评估和计量任何一种金融资产或资产组合在既定时期内所面临的市场风险大小和可能遭受的潜在最大价值损失,是对市场风险的总体性评估
VaR(Value at Risk)一般被称为“风险价值”或“在险价值”,指在一定的置信水平下,某一金融资产(或证券组合)在未来特定的一段时间内的最大可能损失。假定JP摩根公司在2004年置信水平为95%的日VaR值为960万美元,其含义指该公司可以以95%的把握保证,2004年某一特定时点上的金融资产在未来24小时内,由于市场价格变动带来的损失不会超过960万美元。或者说,只有5%的可能损失超过960万美元。与传统风险度量手段不同,VaR完全是基于统计分析基础上的风险度量技术,它的产生是JP摩根公司用来计算市场风险的产物。但是,VaR的分析方法目前正在逐步被引入信用风险管理领域。
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲