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  3. 熊和pave road

  V1调查指出熊在paved 路边出现的次数比在没有paved路边多,怎样可以吸引熊,应该把没有paved 的路都刷一遍。问犯了什么错误:false causation

  V2 didiflute考到了bear and paved road 一题,确认答案正确。

  V3 from crazyxxx Q50 V38熊和马路,看题目根本没看出来是这道,不过基金上选项正确

  V4 from rorcat 碰到了那个熊和pave road,狗狗答案正确,我好像选错了。。【血泪教训,看狗狗要仔细,要不然看了白看。。】

  4. 同位素的測算

  (from jungao4)科学家经常用同位素测年龄,但是有一种画没有碳不能测,后来发现有的画上面有虫的标本,从而测出画是xxx年前,因此科学家之前推测画是yyy年以前是大致正确的(xxx与yyy相差不大),问加强,应该是这种虫在yyy年前很普遍。

  5. 經濟特區的政策

  (from jungao4)经济不好,政府建立经济特区希望推动经济,在特区中实行免税,可以激励人们多贷款带动经济,从而特区人民的就业状况也会好转。问哪个削弱,应该是很多商人使用了特区内的地址作为商业地址从而取得免税资格,并没有雇用特区的人。

  6 政府徵稅政策

  (V1 from jungao4)政府对房地产征税,每年税额基于房地产价值,即房地产价值的x%, 近年来房地产价值下降,政府的税额比例x不变,可以得出哪个结论,选政府税收下降

  (V2 FROM puqiandi 740 50 39) 貌似是變體。。。。

  一个地方的房地产的market value下降,所以收税的基础estimated value也下降,而且收税的percent没变,问什么忘了

  我选了说明今年来tax revenue下降了

  Q37: GWD-29-Q17(应该是變體題)

  The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.

  The information above most strongly supports which of the following?

  A. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years.

  B. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years.

  C. The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.

  D. During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits.

  E. Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax.

  V3 FROM Sharphawk 720-Q50-V37

  PS:可能题目有变化,大家做题时候小心,不要只记得选项。一个是税收下降,问推出什么结论?税率不变 ;另一种可能是 税率不变,可以推出什么?那就是税收总额下降。。


  (from scratte)某城市交通拥挤,决定改善交通。该城市有一个中心轨道车站(Sun Station),在城市中心,每天早晨有无数家住南面(south)的上班族要坐轨道交通先去Sun Station,然后很多人要继续做巴士去东南方向上班(southeast)。有很多家住西南方向的(southwest)的人其实是在东南上班的,所以,政府决定做一条新的辅助轨道交通,从西南直接到东南,这样可以大大分流乘客,减少轨道交通和巴士的运行数量。问:下列哪一个可以增强这一举措?


  8 誹謗

  ( V1 from scratte)在A国家,有一种违法行为,叫做xxx,xxx的定义就是某人通过书面形式传播另一人的damatory rumors,同时又宣称这些rumors是false的。但是,受损害一方的利益(the injured the party&aposs interest)并不能通过提起诉讼来得到改善,诉讼只不过是一纸空文罢了,这只会把事情越闹越大。问:based on which assumption?


  ( V2 from yizhutou)还有一道怪怪的题说某城市立了一个法,规定散步谣言然后又澄清谣言的人是有罪的。

  9 .地中海文物和考古學家觀點

  (V1 from scratte)地中海出土了个文物,内外装饰blah blah blah。考古学家认为这个文物是用来祭水神的(单词不认识,猜是这个意思),然后问以下哪个和考古学家的观点无关?

  V2 from laputahx出土文物,用来分水的那道。但悲剧的是看到满篇生词心慌了没看清问的什么乱选的。。。

  我就记得我选了E: 同时又出土了俩同样的文物……

  (V2 FROM(mika2002 710)还有关于文物出土的那篇,问的是以下哪个不能起到加强作用,except题

  (V3 from youngerlee 690 地中海出土文物狗,迷迷糊糊的没读懂,大概就是说砖家挖出了一个容器,上面有各种各样的纹路和各种各样的硬币,居然还有阿拉伯的,对了,这个东西我确定是分水的,不是祭河神的...


  3. 熊和pave road

  V1调查指出熊在paved 路边出现的次数比在没有paved路边多,怎样可以吸引熊,应该把没有paved 的路都刷一遍。问犯了什么错误:false causation

  V2 didiflute考到了bear and paved road 一题,确认答案正确。

  V3 from crazyxxx Q50 V38熊和马路,看题目根本没看出来是这道,不过基金上选项正确

  V4 from rorcat 碰到了那个熊和pave road,狗狗答案正确,我好像选错了。。【血泪教训,看狗狗要仔细,要不然看了白看。。】

  4. 同位素的測算

  (from jungao4)科学家经常用同位素测年龄,但是有一种画没有碳不能测,后来发现有的画上面有虫的标本,从而测出画是xxx年前,因此科学家之前推测画是yyy年以前是大致正确的(xxx与yyy相差不大),问加强,应该是这种虫在yyy年前很普遍。

  5. 經濟特區的政策

  (from jungao4)经济不好,政府建立经济特区希望推动经济,在特区中实行免税,可以激励人们多贷款带动经济,从而特区人民的就业状况也会好转。问哪个削弱,应该是很多商人使用了特区内的地址作为商业地址从而取得免税资格,并没有雇用特区的人。

  6 政府徵稅政策

  (V1 from jungao4)政府对房地产征税,每年税额基于房地产价值,即房地产价值的x%, 近年来房地产价值下降,政府的税额比例x不变,可以得出哪个结论,选政府税收下降

  (V2 FROM puqiandi 740 50 39) 貌似是變體。。。。

  一个地方的房地产的market value下降,所以收税的基础estimated value也下降,而且收税的percent没变,问什么忘了

  我选了说明今年来tax revenue下降了

  Q37: GWD-29-Q17(应该是變體題)

  The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.

  The information above most strongly supports which of the following?

  A. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes did not change over the past four years.

  B. The percentage of Altonville’s yearly revenue that comes from money collected in property taxes has declined steadily over the past four years.

  C. The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.

  D. During the past four years, Altonville officials increased tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales and business profits.

  E. Altonville will soon require property owners to pay a higher percentage of the assessed value of their property as property tax.

  V3 FROM Sharphawk 720-Q50-V37

  PS:可能题目有变化,大家做题时候小心,不要只记得选项。一个是税收下降,问推出什么结论?税率不变 ;另一种可能是 税率不变,可以推出什么?那就是税收总额下降。。



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